Deadzone: Lieferupdate und Bilder (18.07.2014, 5 Kommentare)
Mantic Games haben ein neues Update zur zweiten Deadzone Lieferung veröffentlicht.
Mantic Games haben ein neues Update zur zweiten Deadzone Lieferung veröffentlicht.
Auch die Grünhäute bekommen einen Walker für Deadzone.
Mantic Games zeigen die neue Deadzone Erqeiterung und die neuen Strider.
Das Ruinengelände für Deadzone und andere Sci-Fi Spiele kann jetzt bei Mantic vorbestellt werden.
Mantic Games zeigen ein neues Preview für kommende Deadzone-Modelle.
Für die kommende Ausgabe des Tabletop Insiders arbeite ich derzeit an meinem Deadzone-Gelände.
Mantic Games haben ein Bild der Forge Father Brokkrs für Deadzone vorgestellt!
Für die Mantic Battle Zones gibt es jetzt passende Stencils von Anarchy Models.
Mantic Games haben ein neues Bild mit den ersten Kriegern der Asterianer veröffentlicht.
Natürlich waren auch Mantic Games auf der Salute 2014, um dort Deadzone, Kings of War und Dreadball zu präsentieren.
Mantic Games bieten jetzt verschiedene Geländesets ihres modularen Deadzone Terrains an.
Mantic Games haben noch mehr Infos zu den Deadzone Neuheiten der zweiten Welle vorgestellt.
Mantic Games haben weitere Fortschritte beim Deadzone-Sculpting gemeldet.
Der Kickstarter zu Dreadball Xtreme ist beendet und Ronnie wirft einen Blick nach vorne. Außerdem gibt es neue Bilder.
Fangen wir zunächst mit Ronnies Ausblick an, aus dem wir die wichtigsten Punkte herauskopiert haben (Hervorhebungen durch Brückenkopf Online):
Thank you for your patience with deliveries and missing items over the last couple of months. We got slightly behind because the picking of the Deadzone was harder than we anticipated. The fact that the orders were huge and the factions and boosters came in multiple bags meant each pledge took a long time to pick – and also that we made a good number of mistakes!!!
We have had about 1500 responses on the missing items form, along with lots of other contact forms regarding the sale – which created a backlog. Apologies if we have been slow in getting back to you but we are getting caught up now. About 1/3 of the missing items requests just needed more information and those are getting answers, but the rest were missing a bag or parts from a figure. We are working through them now and we have the stock for almost all the missing bits. We have been sending out replacements for a few days so envelopes should be arriving soon. Where we do not have the item in stock we have it on order. We are despatching about 50 of these a day so hope to have everyone’s missing parts out in the next 4 weeks, if not sooner. Lessons have been learnt too – with products now coming in bagged as we want to despatch them and simpler tooling solutions, alongside better planning for the despatch operation. Thanks again for being patient – and I hope we will be back to normal service soon – where any issues or problems are dealt with the same days or at worst the next.
Der große Erfolg von Deadzone hat bei Mantic anscheinend einige Leute kalt erwischt, und die Verzögerungen bei den Antworten auf Mails und das Formular für fehlende Teile hatten bei einigen Fans für Ärger gesorgt. Das Ganze scheint sich glücklicherweise langsam zu klären.
Und weil die Frage ohnehin gekommen wäre, geht Ronnie natürlich auch auf kommende Kickstarter ein:
…So to help you plan it is worth saying that Dreadball Xtreme is the only major KS we will be running for a while – it comes with a game and a box expansion plus lots of new teams, MVPs, campaign packs and so on. It is a full game. After that we will have a few months away from running any kind of KS – so we can go back to having a nearly normal life for a short while! …
When we do return we want to look at a couple of ‘mini kicks’ – to change around the format and make them more relaxed affairs. The ideas we have are to look at going back to Deadzone and making a few more models for the first 6 factions, then some new scenery sprues, and perhaps introduce a 7th faction (any ideas?) – but the hope is that it will be hard to spend too much money, because without a game to fund/pay for it can be more like a normal ‘hobby’ spend. It will also not be done until after the 2nd shipment for Deadzone is delivered in full. The other mini kick I would like is to revisit the Dwarf Kings Hold series – but again with it being a dungeon explorer rather than wargame the scope (and spend) should be limited.
After that? Well you best start saving now for these – they are going to be massive – one of course will be Warpath, the sci-fi wargame. Having seen the zombies coming through in the hard plastic I am really pumped about what this could be, and the vehicles from Mars Attacks are also looking great. The other future one is based around Kings of War – but even I am not so leaky to talk about this one yet but the ideas flying around for it are very exciting. The good news is that it will be very late this year, or early 2015, before we get round to either of these. So plenty of time to get playing the games you have on the way to you this summer!
Für Kings of War sollen schon bald neue Sets und Modelle kommen:
The Dwarfs are a stolid race of warriors, skilled with hammer and axe, and we’re revisiting them with the new Bulwarkers, Dwarf Bombard and Berserker Brock Riders, adding speed, armour and all-round devastation to this army – plus a few new heroic characters too!
Fuelled by the patronage of cruel gods, the Abyssal Dwarfs excel at close-quarters fighting where they can witness the suffering they inflict first-hand. They are supported by evil creatures summoned from the depths of the Abyss itself, as well as disturbing hybrids born of twisted experiments.
Bei den Zwergen des Abgrunds sollen künftig alle Sets auf Plastik/Restic umgestellt werden:
For the first time the Abyssal Dwarfs are getting all-plastic infantry kits with no less than the Immortal Guard, Gargoyles, and Lesser Obsidian Golems ranking up alongside the Halfbreed Cavalry, Katsuchan Rocket Launcher, Black Souls and Decimators.
Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.
Quelle: Mantic Games
Der Kampf um die Deadzones hat begonnen und Radaddel schicken Euch an die Front!
Mantic Game haben weitere Bilder für Deadzone vorgestellt.
Mantic Games zeigen neue Bilder der schweren Enforcer-Infanterie.
Mantic Games haben gerade erst mit der Auslieferung für Deadzone begonne, aber es wird schon bald einen Kampagnenband dazu geben.