von BK-Rafael | 14.03.2025 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: News und Neues Szenario

Steamforged Games präsentieren News und ein neues Szenario.

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Warmachine: New Scenario – March Hare

Underway – Shadows & Scum rules previews

As we get closer to the March 27 release, we’re previewing Shadows & Scum rules on the Warmachine Facebook and Instagram. So far, we’ve covered the Lochabash Brothers and Shades.

Southern Kriels Foulblood’s Armada – Lochabash Brothers

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This trio of rifle-wielding Southern Kriels trollkin who have no trouble charging past foes, using their fellow units to boost offensive damage.

Khymaera Shard Nocturnes – Shades

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What’s more formidable than one winged dragonkin assassin, armed with deadly throwable weapons capable of striking multiple targets? Three of them.

The Lochabash Brothers and Shades can both be found in the Shadows & Scum two-player set, ideal for splitting with a friend if you’re both looking to get into Warmachine.

We’ve got plenty more rules previews to come in the lead up to release, so make sure you’re following Warmachine.

Gravediggers pre-order open

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Also releasing March 27 are the first two Cygnar Gravediggers sets. Pre-order yours here.

Community painting

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You guys continue to blow us away with your incredible painting skills! If you’ve painted any Warmachine lately, be sure to post on Instagram with #paintmachine.

Speaking of paint, we’ll have more news on the upcoming P3 Paints release very soon — sign up to our newsletter to get the updates. And if you’re heading to AdeptiCon, we’ll be hosting the P3 Grandmaster painting competition, so get your entries ready now!

New gameplay scenario – March Hare

Warmachine app subscribers get a new Battle Forge gameplay scenario inspired by Zaccheus, Winter’s Chill.

If there was a method to his madness, surely Zacchaeus was the only one who understood it. What was known for certain was that the shifty Grymkin also known as The Winter’s Chill had stealthily stolen a satchel stuffed with secrets snatched from both invaders and defenders alike. They were the kind of secrets that could tip the balance of a war that was already on uneven footing. They were the kind of secrets worth dying for—so long as one was content chasing a giant rabbit at their peril.

March Hare is designed to be played with 30- or 50-point forces and ends after five rounds.

Zacchaeus, the Winter’s Chill, has stolen valuable military intelligence that all sides deem worth recovering at any cost. As he races chaotically around the battlefield, players compete to intercept Zacchaeus in an effort to force the Grymkin to drop the intel so they can snatch it up.

But while Zacchaeus moves at random, each player can activate him once during each of their turns in order to use his Combat Action. The player who recovers the most intel before the end of the match will win the day. The objective: Recover as many Stolen Intel objectives from Zacchaeus as possible.

Want to give March Hare a try? You can find it in the Warmachine app, where subscribers get access to experimental gameplay scenarios, along with a wealth of stories and background on the characters and events of the Iron Kingdoms.

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Quelle: Steamforged Games


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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