von BK-Rafael | 10.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Adepticon 2025 News – Balance Update

Steamforged Games reden über die Adepticon und Balance Updates und SR 2025.

Warmachine Adepticon 1

Warmachine: Adepticon 2025 News, Balance Update

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly Warmachine drop!

Today’s line-up includes news on the annual Warmachine update, details on AdeptiCon 2025 and our first ever Warmachine Keynote, first look at painted Cygnar Gravediggers, AND a whole new Battle Forge gameplay scenario. STRAP IN.

AdeptiCon 2025

Mark your calendars and bookmark this page, because the AdeptiCon Event Cart goes live this Sunday (January 12th) at 12PM CST!

You want Warmachine events? We’ve got ‘em! And you don’t even have to wait until Sunday to see what’s on. You can check them all out now in the event cart preview, ready to lock in your events this Sunday. But that’s not all…

Warmachine 2025 Keynote

Our first ever Warmachine Keynote will take place at AdeptiCon 2025!

This is a MUST attend for anyone dying to get the details on what’s next for Warmachine. We’re so excited, we might accidentally spoil it all in the app*. Just kidding!

In seriousness, we can’t wait to share the details in the Keynote on what’s coming up this year. It’s going to be an awesome session, and we hope to see you there!

Can’t make it to Milwaukee? Don’t worry! We’ve got you — we’ll have digital updates locked and loaded.

(*And for those who did catch the app spoilers, yes, there will be plenty you haven’t seen yet.)

Cygnar Gravediggers Deploying Spring 2025

Skill. Camaraderie. Discipline.

Warmachine Adepticon 2

The first new army release for Warmachine in 2025, the Cygnar Gravediggers have inherited a proud legacy of tried, tested, and true soldiers willing to give their all in defense of their nation.

Prepare for some SERIOUS firepower. Sign up here for updates — just tick ‘Warmachine’!

2025 Annual Update

We’re rolling into another year, which means the annual Warmachine update is nigh!

For those new to the Machine, this includes an annual Balance Update for the game, and an update to Steamroller 2025, Warmachine’s organized play doc.

The Balance Update will release Wednesday, January 22nd in the Warmachine app, and Steamroller 2025 will release Wednesday, January 29th here on the website and in the app. Set your reminders now!

Until then, we’ll be dropping sneak previews in the Warmachine Community group and Discord, so be sure to join if you’re not a member already. Speaking of which…

2025 Balance Update Preview – Hydrix, Khymaera Shadowflame Shard

Warmachine Adepticon 3

This underrepresented warbeast is about to get a boost, big time.

With a speed buff AND a range extension, it moves faster and hits further. You’ll be seeing plenty more of these triple-threat bad boys on the table!

(Hydrix is part of the Khymaera Shadowflame Shard Cadre, and also available as an individual breakout.)

Here’s the crunchy bit:

  • Increase to SPD 6
  • Wings dorsal feature becomes cost 3, remove +2 SPD, add Shield Guard
  • Toothy Maw becomes cost 5, RNG 2, and adds +1 MAT
  • Diviner heads Bite melee attack becomes RNG 2

2025 Balance Update Preview – Captain Raef Huxley, Cygnar Storm Legion

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Clad in galvanically-charged ironhead armor, Huxley’s long been a Storm Legion warcaster with the ability to dominate either air or ground — for those who know how to use him.

Not only is updated Huxley more straightforward to use, but he’s also more powerful. His two forms — Sky Stormer and Ground Assault — are also now more distinct, giving you a more meaningful choice when deciding which form to take. Which flavor of destruction would you prefer today?

Speaking of flavor, here’s the crunch:

  • Sky Stormer becomes DEF 13. Cut Flying High.
  • Replace Field Marshal [Reposition 3”] with Iron Horse. Change Iron Horse text to, “Light and heavy warjacks in this model’s battlegroup gain Pathfinder and Reposition [5″]. Additionally, light and heavy warjack in this model’s battlegroup gain +2 SPD when resolving charges.”
  • Ground Assault becomes SPD 4 and gains Resourceful.
  • Replace Field Marshal [Pathfinder] with Field Marshal [Steady and Sturdy].

We’ll be dropping more spoilers between now and release in the Warmachine Community group and Discord.

New Gameplay Scenario! Battle Forge: Portal Wars

Releasing later today, this week’s update for Warmachine app subscribers. This week’s update for Warmachine app subscribers is the latest Battle Forge, “Portal War,” which will see your forces scatter across the table to do battle….

Here’s a preview:

The Iron Kingdoms is littered with the ancient and arcane remnants of the first Orgoth Invasion. Dark power lies within their abominable ruins for those bold enough to tap it. But as is the way of the Orgoth, all power demands a sacrifice…

On each side of the map is a Soul Cairn with the ability to teleport models on top of it to any of the three Ancient Monoliths on the opposite side of the river that runs through the center of the table. In an effort to deny their enemy the ability to cross the river using a Soul Cairn’s power of teleportation, players battle to seize control of the Cairn on their opponent’s side in order to sabotage its associated Monoliths. The first player to eliminate all of the Ancient Monoliths on their own side of the map wins the match.

Find the new scenario and more in the Warmachine app.

Khador Mastodon Update

Last but not least, a quick update on the Khador Mastodon. Re-engineering work is now complete, and it’ll be back on sale once all outstanding orders have shipped.

Quelle: Steamforged Games


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • leider bin ich ein SG hater,
    kp warum sie vorher wieder in gb „eingestigen“ sind, sie könnnen sich nicht um beide systeme kümmern,
    habe auch das gefühl ds sie es nicht möchten.

    Hoffe das wenigstens die Warmachine Spieler zufrieden sind.

    • Wenn du nach einer Guild Ball-Alternative suchst, kann ich dir Takkure empfehlen. Wir haben ein paar GB-Spieler in der Community, welche es als würdige Alternative ansehen.
      Ggf. ist das ja was für dich, um deinen Prass auf Steamforged zu verarbeiten. 😉

    • da gebe ich dir recht!
      Die Community hat das System sehr gut alleine am Leben gehalten, bis jetzt kam auch nichts gescheites seitens SFG seit sie GB „wiederbelebt“ haben. Der Print on Demand Service für die Teams läuft eher schlecht als recht wie wir ja beide wissen.

      Hoffe für Warmachine das es nicht so läuft! Die Plastik Minis aus der 2Spieler Box sind jedenfalls von sehr guter Qualität, da weiß ich allerdings nicht wieviel verdienst da SFG daran hat.

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