Warlord Games: Konflikt ’47 Ankündigung
Konflikt ’47 soll zur Adepticon eine Preview erhalten.
Konflikt ’47 is coming to Adepticon!Following a dedicated preview event on Thursday 27th March, which will detail an overview of what we have planned for the new version of the game, attendees will have opportunity to get hands-on and playtest an early version of the new rules, and get a closer look at the setting and new game mechanics.Expect some of these details to follow suit on our Community Site and social channels shortly thereafter! For now though, here’s a look at the brand new Konflikt ’47 logo!
Quelle: Warlord Games auf Facebook
Na da bin ich ja gespannt drauf 🤔😃
Ich hoffe ja das für die Fans was gutes dabei rauskommt. Auch wenn ich mir ja eher Dust 1947 zurück wünsche 😅