von BK-Jonah | 09.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Wargames Atlantic: Zwei Classic Fantasy Kits in der Preorder

Mit zwei ursprünglich für Guards of Traitor’s Toll konzipierten Kits lassen Wargames Atlantic die Herzen von Fantasy-Fans höher schlagen.

Villagers – 39,25€

Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 1

Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 2 Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 3

Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 4 Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 5

Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 6 Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 7

Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 8 Wargames Atlantic Villagers Preorder 9


Across the thousands of villages, towns, and cities of the Free Kingdoms everyday people get on with their lives. Coming from every walk of life and engaged in every trade (legitimate and not!), regular folk are more concerned with the price of eggs than the doings and goings of the great lords and ladies of the realms. At least until the undead, goblins, orcs, trolls, or some other evil invades their land!

This hard plastic box set allows you to build up to 24 villagers. There are three unique male and female bodies on the frame representing the poor, middle class, and wealthier citizens. Add on clothing items, open hands with lots of extra bits, and 30 unique heads allow for massive customization!

These figures were originally designed for Guards of Traitor’s Toll an adventure skirmish game where you patrol the streets of a fantasy city and arrest the cutthroats and pickpockets that hide among the cityfolk.

Visit traitorstoll.com for the game rules, assembly guides and supporting material.

  • Sculpting: Rob Macfarlane
  • Painting: Jez Allum
  • Illustration: Peter Dennis

Guards – 39,25€

Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 1

Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 2 Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 3

Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 4 Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 5

Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 6 Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 7

Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 8 Wargames Atlantic Guards Preorder 9


Not everyone ventures into the wilds after fame and fortune. Some patrol the villages and cities or guard the caravans of travelers and their goods. The men and women who choose to be professional protectors come in a variety of shapes and sizes along with varying levels of skills. Most are good, honest servants of the law but the occasional bad apple can tarnish reputations by demanding bribes or worse. In some city states the guard are little more than a tool of a kleptocratic overlord’s greed. Still, when the orc horde comes to the city gates they are better than nothing!

This hard plastic box set allows you to build up to 24 guards, adventurers, mercenaries, henchmen, or whatever else your imagination can do with this incredible assortment of parts! There are unique male and female bodies on the frame, loads of add on items, a variety of weapons and arm types, and 26 unique heads to allow for massive customization!

These figures were originally designed for Guards of Traitor’s Toll an adventure skirmish game where you patrol the streets of a fantasy city and arrest the cutthroats and pickpockets that hide among the cityfolk.

Visit traitorstoll.com for the game rules, assembly guides and supporting material.

  • Sculpting: Rob Macfarlane
  • Painting: Jez Allum
  • Illustration: Peter Dennis

Quelle: Wargames Atlantic


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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