von BK-Sebastian | 22.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Wargames Atlantic: Samurai Command Preview

Wargames Atlantic starten nächste Woche die Vorbestellung ihrer Kommandofiguren für die Samurai der Grand Battle Scale.

WargamesAtlanticGrandBattleScaleSamuraiArmyCommand1 WargamesAtlanticGrandBattleScaleSamuraiArmyCommand2

Die Box wird ab dem 28. vorbestellbar und kostet 25£

This set is loaded with unique parts to create everything from overall army command post (Honjin) to individual unit command groups, messengers, and more.

This hard plastic box set includes 108 10mm soldiers and accessories:

  • 2 Taiko Drums and 4 Drummers
  • 4 Foot and 2 Mounted Messengers
  • 12 Jinmaku sections with 4 additional posts
  • 2 Standing, 4 Seated, and 2 Mounted Daimyos or Generals
  • 4 Foot and 4 Mounted Signalers
  • 12 Large Banners
  • 2 Uma-jirushi Standard Bearers
  • 8 3-man Hata-jirushi Command Stands
  • 8 2-man Hata-jirushi Command Stands
  • 8 1-man Hata-jirushi Bearers

Quelle: Wargames Atlantic


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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