von BK-Jonah | 20.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Wargame Exclusive: Neue Orks

In ihrem Webstore zeigen Wargame Exclusive gleich zwei neue Ork-Einheiten: Die Barrel Boys und die Mad Riders Nobbas mit Big Bonkas.


$29.99 Approximately € 29.20 (EUR)

– 40k Heroic scale
– 32mm bases
– Sculpted by Wargames Crew


Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 1

Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 2 Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 3

Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 4 Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 5

Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 6 Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 7

Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 8 Wargame Exclusive Ork Barrel Boys 9

Ready to bamboozle the enemy and leave them in stitches? Meet the Ork Barrel Boys – a genius “camouflage” tactic straight from the minds of green-skinned inventors. These Orks have crammed their loud, bulky bodies into old, busted barrels of toxic waste. Sticking out are just their arms, legs, and occasionally a wicked grin.

Set Features:

Every “fighter” is unique – barrels with cracks, stains, and sometimes even mutant fungi add character to each miniature.
Hilarious yet chaotic details – some of these boys have been slightly singed by the toxins, while others left their favorite horned helmets sticking out of the barrel.
Dynamic poses – they’re running and smashing enemies, all while staying snug in their barrels!

These lads are the perfect choice for those who love quirky miniatures that bring a smile even in the heat of battle. They’re so absurd that even the Twin Gods would approve of their style.

HQ resin miniatures in 40k Heroic scale with 32mm bases.
The miniatures require painting and assembly (use cyanoacrylate superglue only).


$24.99 Approximately € 24.33 (EUR)

– 40k Heroic scale
– 32mm bases
– Sculpted by Wargames Crew

Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 1

Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 2 Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 3

Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 4 Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 5

Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 6 Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 7

Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 8 Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 9

Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 10 Wargame Exclusive Ork Mad Riders Nobbas With Big Bonkas 11

Ever seen an Ork Nob so bonka-happy he couldn’t stop bashin’ even when da fight was over? Well, meet da Ork Mad Riders Nobbas with BIG BONKAS—da loudest, meanest, hammer-swingin’ maniacs ever to ride into battle. These boyz don’t just hit hard—they hit Ork hard! 💥

And what’s da deal wiv da Bonkas? It’s like dis: “Why did da Grot cross da battlefield? To avoid a Bonka to da noggin’, but it didn’t work, did it?!” 😂

Remember, “Da bigger da Bonka, da bigger da laugh when it lands!”

HQ resin miniatures in 40k Heroic scale with 32mm bases.
The miniatures require painting and assembly (use cyanoacrylate superglue only).

Quelle: Wargame Exclusive


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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