von BK-Christian | 03.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Dystopian Wars

Warcradle: Previews für Armoured Clash und Dystopian Wars

Warcradle zeigen neue Previews für das Dystopian Age.

WC Warcradle February Releases 1

February Releases: Enlightened Machines March Forth

Super-science populates the battlefield this month as the Enlightened’s merging of man and metal comes to Armoured Clash.

Cold, unfeeling constructs march onwards as the Enlightened are introduced into Armoured Clash this February. The Enlightened Faction Battlegroup Set and Introductory Set are perfect for those looking to harness the power of alien technology, with massive mechs and monstrous amalgamations striking fear into the heart of any opposing army.

Following last month’s introduction of Polish-Lithuanian units to Dystopian Wars, Commonwealth players can now add to their fleets with the Polish-Lithuanian Aerial Squadrons.

These new products are due to be released at the end of February 2025.

Armoured Clash

 When the outcome of a battle is at stake, morality is merely a suggestion. The Enlightened Faction Battlegroup – Starter Set and Introductory Set introduce the faction to Armoured Clash and are packed with constructs and machines ready to take orders mercilessly.

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Enlightened Faction Battlegroup – Starter Set

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The Enlightened Faction Battlegroup – Starter Set contains all you need to begin playing games of Armoured Clash, controlling a force for the Covenant of the Enlightened.

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At its heart is a Wells Super-Heavy Surveyor, the perfect battle platform for an Enlightened Conservator to see the battle unfold and lead it to victory. Its weapon, torn from the heart of Wells Chasm, is unlike anything else seen on the battlefields of the Dystopian Age. All sane generals fear its power.

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Citizen-Soldiers are recruited from all parts of the world. Wherever they may be mistreated, downtrodden or beyond the medical attention they need, the allure of the Enlightened’s professed equality can be hard to resist. As can the thought of the most advanced augmentations any Great Power has to offer.

Alongside them march Brute Enforcers and Wardens, each of them literally more than the sum of their parts. Marvels of the age, they are created from the finest of specimens and the best lab-grown parts. Their lack of intelligence is more than made up for by their strength and durability.

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Even larger than these are the Heavy Construct Devastators. Multi-armed monstrosities pumped full of RJ-1027 and all manner of other chemicals and stimulants, they excel at causing havoc and crushing the enemies of the Covenant beneath their oversized boots. Hellion Cohorts hover overhead, eager for the opposing force to show weakness, waiting to strike from the heavens and tear already panicked infantry limb from limb.

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Ranging ahead are often the Seeker Outrider Cohorts. Citizen-Soldiers whose wounds make them perfect applicants from the transformation from a walking creature to a wheeled one. Their legs are replaced with a single, gyro-stabalised wheel giving them almost unmatched speed for scouting and swift redeployment.

While an automaton can not be considered truly loyal, that doesn’t stop people from thinking that the K9 Gun Dog Packs might just be that. They never run from the fray and always follow orders, gatling guns and rocket pods firing as they do so.

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The Mono and Strider CAVs are some of the more unusual parts of the Covenant warmachine. Altered even further than the average augmented person, these are the epitome of ‘more man than machine’.

The Mono CAV appears like an even bigger version of the Seeker, only the head and torso jutting out of a mechanism composed of a single wheel and hypervelocity rifles. They operate on graceful flocks, sweeping across the battlefield hypnotically.

The Strider CAV is a different beast, its four legs skittering towards its enemies ready to tear them asunder with as much malice as can be drawn from what’s left of the pilot, enhanced with as many combat drugs and fear suppressants as they can take.

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Mars Battle Tripods tower above all, their particle beams wailing as they fire. Brave or reckless steersmen have been known to overcharge the beams to deal with particularly tough opponents where the wail becomes a deafening screech, often before some part of the tripod shuts down, unable to control the raw power contained within.

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Europa Artillery Crawlers plod alongside, unleashing their payload with an unmistakable spiral of fire before repositioning themselves, ready for the next target. Racing through the air above them, Sickle Gyro CAVs swoop to wherever they are needed, their pilots immune to the adrenaline of such aerial acrobatics.

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In addition to the models for your chosen faction, you will also find all the tools you need to play, from the immersive book of Core Rules to custom Attack Dice and a full Command & Conquest Deck of cards to help you perform daring gambits and score Victory Points to win the game.

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  • 1x Wells Super-Heavy Surveyor (may also be built as Horsell Super-Heavy Extractor)
  • 16x Citizen-Soldier Contingent
  • 8x Brute Enforcer Cohort
  • 8x Brute Warden Cohort
  • 8x Heavy Construct Devastator Cohort
  • 8x Hellion Cohort
  • 10x Seeker Outrider Cohort
  • 10x K9 Gun Dog Pack
  • 8x Mono CAV Cohort
  • 8x Strider CAV Cohort
  • 4x Mars Battle Tripods (may also be built as Deimos Guardian Tripods or Phobos Assault Tripods)
  • 4x Europa Artillery Crawlers (may also be built as Enceladus Mortar Crawlers or Callisto Assault Gatherers)
  • 4x Sickle Gyro CAV Cohort

Bonus Content:

  • Dystopian Industrial Modular Terrain

Also included:

  • 2x Dystopian Age Token Sheets
  • 1x Rule Book
  • 1x Command & Conquest Card Deck
  • 24x Attack Dice
  • 1x Measuring Tool & Objectives

Enlightened Introductory Set

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The Enlightened Introductory Set gives you a small glimpse into the Covenant of the Enlightened and their unusual weapons of war. Citizen-Soldiers march to war accompanied by protective Brute Wardens.

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Heavy Construct Devastators, Mono CAVs and Hellion Cohorts give a wide choice of effective melee units, each with unique destructive capabilities.

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Mars Battle Tripods make great strides across the battlefield, firing terrible beams of energy at their opponents.

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Backed up by Europa Artillery Crawlers and Strider CAV Cohorts, they can provide dangerous firepower wherever it is needed.

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This product is ideal for players who want to get an introduction to Armoured Clash. In addition to the models for your chosen faction, you will also find custom Attack Dice, Dystopian Age Token Sheets, and a Quickstart Booklet to get you playing!


  • 1x Commander
  • 8x Citizen-Soldier Contingent
  • 4x Brute Enforcer Cohort
  • 4x Brute Warden Cohort
  • 4x Heavy Construct Devastator Cohort
  • 4x Hellion Cohort
  • 5x Seeker Outrider Cohort
  • 5x K9 Gun Dog Pack
  • 4x Mono CAV Cohort
  • 4x Strider CAV Cohort
  • 2x Mars Battle Tripods (may also be built as Deimos Guardian Tripods or Phobos Assault Tripods)
  • 2x Europa Artillery Crawlers (may also be built as Enceladus Mortar Crawlers or Callisto Assault Gatherers)
  • 2x Sickle Gyro CAV Cohort

Also included:

  • 1x Armoured Clash – Quickstart Rules Booklet
  • 2x Dystopian Age Token Sheets
  • 12x Attack Dice
  • 1x Measuring Tool & Objectives

Dystopian Wars

The Polish-Lithuanian Aerial Squadrons have arrived to reinforce last month’s introduction of the Zamiec to Dystopian Wars. Offering plenty of airships to add to your fleet, make your victory over the skies decisive.

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Polish-Lithuanian Aerial Squadrons

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The Polish-Lithuanian Aerial Squadrons box is a great way for a Commonwealth player to add reinforcements to their aerial force.

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Voivode Heavy Airships unleash withering volleys of rockets towards the foe, punching through all but the heaviest of aerial defence. Szlachta Recon Airships bring fighter support and use them to reach out and attack at almost any range.

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The Stanislaw Drop Airship can land ground forces where other naval vessels simply cannot reach. All the while, Jadwiga Light Airships and Smok Aerial Destroyers can manoeuvre into almost any position, ready to unleash hell against the enemies of the Commonwealth.

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  • 2x Voivode (may also be built as Szlachta, Stanislaw or Jadwiga)
  • 2x Smok
  • 2x Commonwealth Escort
  • 2x Szpada SRS Token
  • 2x Commonwealth Ground Assault Token

 Quelle: Warcradle


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Fraktion der etwas abgedrehten Wissenschaftler schaut irgendwie am normalsten aus, das ist unerwartet.
    Mir gefällt die gesamte Armee, aber sie ist fast schon etwas langweilig.

  • Ich finde die Enlightened echt gut gelungen – hab einen Haufen der 32mm Modelle für Wild West Exodus und man kann sie herrlich wiedererkennen. Werde ich vermutlich erwerben, wobei mir das Regelwerk nicht sonderlich zusagt.

  • Ja, interessante Neuerscheinungen. Die Enlightened Bodentruppen passen sehr gut zum Hintergrund als Reverse-Engineered Alien Technologie. Die verrückten Wissenschaftler haben ja in der Antarktis ein riesiges abgestürztes Alien-Raumschiff gefunden und deren ganze Technologie – bzw. der Großteil der phantaschtischen Waffen und Technologien im Dystopian Wars Universum im Allgemeinen – basieren auf dieser nachgebauten Alien-Technologie.

    Ich bin aber ehrlich: Mich sprechen die Enlightened so gar nicht an. Ich warte das lieber auf das Imperium, was ja die nächste DW Fraktion für Armoured Clash sein wird – und die ich für April / Mai erwarten.


    Die Polen-Litauer als Subfraktion des Commonwealth sind auch ziemlich gut geraten mit ihren Luftschiffen. Ich habe gerade ein paar davon gebaut und finde die Bausätze richtig gut.

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