Victrix Miniatures: Neue Preview
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4 New Sets!
Steve Hales here, giving you an update on all that is going behind the scenes at Victrix.I’m very pleased to give a sneak peak of 4 new sets we have been working on… Dark Age Irish & Dogs, Dark Age Picts & Scots, Ancient Thureophoroi and Medieval Islamic Horse Archers.We have recently taken on a large number of new sculptors, dramatically increasing our design capacity. So expect to see the rate of releases ramp up very soon.To make a quick point on the 28mm German Infantry, apologies for the delay on these. We needed to make a slight alteration on one of the sprues which pushed the tooling schedule back 4-6 weeks. This is now sorted and these should be on order within 2-3 weeks. We absolutely can not wait for you guys to see these, everyone who has seen the plastics has said they are a ‘game changer’. The Foot knights will follow a few weeks behind them.Dark Age Irish & Dogs:This is going to be a stunning set with an 8 figure main frame armed with javelins, slings, swords, axes and spears plus a large variety of heads and shield options. And a separate frame with 4 war dogs, 2 handlers and 2 Warlord/standard bearer figures.Dark age Picts and Scots:This set will represent Picts and Scots to fight from the Age of Invasions, Age of Arthur and into the Viking age. It will be a 36 figure set and full of cloak and hood options to give them a distinct Pict/Scots feel. To finish off all the British Kingdoms we have started on Scots/Irish/Welsh nobles, cavalry AND skirmishers! Yes we did say Welsh!Thureophoroi:These troops alongside the phalanx were a dominant troop type in Later Greek and Macedonian Successor armies. Operating in a Peltast style but also used in close formation in the battle line armed with javelins, long thrusting spear and a Thureos shield similar to the Celtic shield.Islamic Horse Archers:Horse archers were the backbone and majority troop type of all Islamic armies during the Crusades. We have a great mix of heads for this set depicting Seljuk and Turkoman warriors. Turkomans fought in extensive numbers as auxiliaries in Seljuk and other Islamic forces.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Quelle: Victrix Miniatures auf Facebook
An sich bin ich sehr großer Fan von Victrix. Aber die Hunde sehen einfach nur gruselig aus…
Ach das sollen Wolfshunde sein. Ich geh kaputt! 😆