von BK-Christian | 28.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: Weird War

Trench Crusade: Updates

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TC Trench Crusade Militärgeistliche 1


Trench Clerics who fight in the Great War include a vast array of both ordained and secular fighting ministers of the Holy Word. A good example of such are the specially-trained Militärgeistliche that the Church Militant of the Free State of Prussia dispatches to counter the Heretic Legion’s Sorcerers and High Priests, who pit their faith against the fiendish Goetic Powers of the Inferno.
Due to the importance of their role, (and because of the high blood price the Heretic commanders have set for each Chaplain killed – a price which is doubled by Mammon for captured individuals as these priests are prime material in constructing the dreaded Goetic Warlocks), the Church and the Free state go to extraordinary lengths to train and equip their Chaplains with the finest weapons and armour.
In battle these Prussian Trench Clerics don thrice blessed armour crafted in the Sacrosanct Workshops beneath Köln cathedral. They are styled after the armours of a bygone age to inspire the troops, but their fuctionality is state-of-the art as they utilise the latest metallurgical innovations from the Königsberg Institute of Warfare. The location of the workshops is not without controversy, as both the Free State of Prussia and the Holy Roman Empire claims ownership of Köln. This dispute stems from the time when the Free State seceded from the Empire after holding its first democratic elections. These elections were originally instituted specifically to gain independence from the Empire, but proved immensely popular with the people and have remained in place ever since. Luckily for Prussia, the Church considers the war effort more important than petty regional squabbles, and has thus far placed the Cathedral under their care in order to keep the war production going.
The Chaplain’s superb armaments are not just limited to protection: they also carry special grenades filled with myrrh, hemlock and burning incense, as well as classified chemical substances. When detonated the shrapnel of these grenades scatters embers that rapidly burn through anything caught in the blast.
The standard issue melee weapon of the Feldkaplane are swords. Sometimes they are blades fashioned after the burning blade carried by the angel that protected the garden of Eden, while others are smaller copies of the mighty brands carried by the Paladins.
Many front line Chaplains are repeatedly reprimanded by the Church for their overuse of inhaling “Holy Smoke”, a chemical compound which uses many of the same ingredients as the Martyrdom Pills. But, due to the extraordinary mental and physical toll the war takes on their minds and bodies, the practice persists even though many chaplains are lost to overdosage or have to be retired from active service due to their minds and bodies finally succumbing to the combination of stress, wounds and damage to the nervous system the Holy Smoke causes. The Great Hospice of New Antioch treats hundreds of such cases each year – withered husks of men who rarely regain their sanity.
Each Chaplain carries a reliquary with them (from which their original name capellanus is derived from). The Feldkaplan depicted here, Frieherr Rainer Schwentner of the Swords of the Lord division, goes to battle with a carved wooden back piece depicting the Prussian Eagle and a reliquary said to hold a feather of the angel Uriel within it.

-Art by Mike Franchina

TC Trench Crusade Stoßtruppen 1


“The Heretics think that night is their ally. They are mistaken. It is ours.”
Protected by semi-sentient barbed wire that wraps around those foolish enough to stray too close, constant danger from the presence of prowling Death Commandos and Artillery Witch bombardment, the Heretic trenches are a formidable obstacle for the Faithful. The pyramid-shaped pillboxes and casemates of the Infernal forces have turned back countless futile frontal assaults with withering machine gun fire and devastating hell-wrought artillery. Surprises are difficult to mount, especially when the moon waxes and the horrors created by the Path of the Beast prowl No Man’s land.
The weapon of choice against these formidable obstacles in Duke Constantine’s arsenal are the Stoßtruppen, the elite shock troops of the Free State of Prussia.
Even in this nation known for their militaristic ways, the Stoßtruppen are the elite. Chosen from mountaineers and veterans of the fierce battles against the Northern Heretics, with the cream of the Combat Engineers and marksmen mixed in. They are called the Duke’s Spear, for their speciality is to pierce the enemy lines and clear the path for the reserves.
The training and selection process is ruthless: athleticism is emphasized, as is the ability to rapidly advance over any kind of terrain. Just as important is to learn how to make use of both camouflage and even the tiniest bit of terrain for cover. They learn to hit their targets in total darkness and train wrestling with hulking Communicants.
But the most important selection criteria is to have iron in your soul. To engage with the armies of the Damned in close-quarters combat requires a certain kind of soldier: one who is willing to detonate their last grenade when their own innards have been ripped open by the claws of a War Wolf, or wrestle a Heretic Anointed and look into their eyes, see the hellfires raging there and not to flinch but bring their trench club down.
As the Stoßtruppen gather for an attack, no sound is heard. Each assault has been carefully practised, and any signs needed are given with hand signals. Heavy weapons of the unit open the assault, scattering the enemy and forcing them to take cover. Then, it is a mad dash across No Man’s Land. Violence commences as the flamethrowers sweep the exposed enemy, followed by a flurry of grenades into trenches and dugouts. Then the assault groups spread out like the wings of an eagle, clearing the trenches, sweeping behind the enemy lines, and disabling lines of communication as well as any rearguard defensive units.
In close quarters the Stoßtruppen favour daggers, trench clubs, entrenching tools, and automatic pistols, though their favourite weapon by far is the grenade, carried with them in great quantities, and used to take out strongpoints as well as to reach behind loopholes and clearing entrances to bunkers and pillboxes.
As for ranged weaponry, submachine guns and pistols are favoured, and feature many modifications compared to standard issue versions -a typically with larger magazines as the brutal close-quarters combat depletes ammunition very rapidly.
The Stoßtruppen uniforms reflect their role: mountain boots and leather-reinforced jackets and trousers that protect their vital areas against barbed wire and enemy blades. Their armour contains far higher quantities of Orichalcum than those of standard footsloggers. This allows for much lighter and more flexible suits and helmets, which offer superior protection. The famed spikes of their Picklehaube helmets are detachable, and are usually not worn in the front lines as they make their wearers easy targets.
Compared to many other Faithful soldiers, the pride of the Free State’s armed forces are allowed a great deal of freedom of decision-making on the battlefield. Many warbands are given high-level objectives and encouraged to find their own way to achieve them over days, weeks and months.
Only single-minded determination can carry the Prussian advances through the enemy lines. One must learn to love carnage and death, for in melee there is no room for mercy or hesitation. A Sturmmann who survives for any length of time begins to resemble their hell-twisted enemies more and more after each gruelling encounter. Such is the price that the Great War extracts.

-Art by Mike Franchina

TC Trench Crusade Hauptmann 1


„To be Prussian is an honour but not a pleasure.“
The Heretic forces lead the Faithful in the arms race of tanks and other armoured vehicles. They are heavily armoured, fast-moving and often armed with terrifying hell-forged Sacrilege-type tank mortars. These weapons are designed to penetrate trenches, pillboxes and other defensive structures by employing technology that briefly tears through reality to puncture the defences. They target the occupants within using ammunition that unleashes echoes of the reversed words of God’s Creation, reverberating at bone-shattering volume throughout the structures under attack. Specifically designed to undo divine work, they peel away skin, nervous systems and finally the flesh and internal organs of any mortals, layer by layer for each word as God’s creation is undone, causing excruciating death as their target slowly becomes unmade.
To counter these armoured threats that have been used time and again to break through their lines, the Prussians have developed many battlefield innovations from anti-materiel rifles to specialist close quarter Gardekorps units. As the Sacrilege cannons are slow-firing and hard to aim, the Prussians counter them with lighting-fast close quarters tactics.
The swords of the Gardekorps, commonly called ”tank-splitters”, are specifically designed to disable or destroy enemy armoured vehicles. Developed by the Prussian Institute of Metallurgy, their edges are orichalcum and titanium alloy, and these near-monomolecular blades can cut through most vehicle tracks and armour with ease, disabling them while the rest of the unit swarms the tank with incendiary grenades. Speed is of essence here, as Heretics are well-aware of this tactic and counter such attacks with elite Legionnaires of their own, who compete with each other in capturing rather than killing the specialist Stoßtruppen, so they can be sold to the agents of the Court of the Seven-Headed Serpent as punishment for their audacity.
Though the Free State of Prussia is governed by an outlandish system called democracy (a relic from ancient Hellas) where each citizen can vote for representatives on the Landtag to decide state affairs, the nobility maintains a strong military tradition and has funds to buy officer’s commission. Many families can trace their lineage back to the Teutonic Orders who once conquered the lands of Prussia.
Depicted here is Frau Hauptmann Frederica von Goltz of the IV Gardekorps of Königsberg. Many units of the Prussian army disallow women serving in combat roles, but scions of noble lineage often exercise their privilege of joining any regiment they wish. Von Goltz’s armour is hand-crafted by her personal armourer and, unlike the mass-produced suits of the rank-and-file, it allows sufficient speed and mobility for the furious and bitter melee combat the role of the unit requires. Mensur duelling is used to assess the required bravery of candidates of the tank-splitter units, and Hauptmann von Goltz carries many scars on her face to prove hers.

-Art by Mike Franchina

Auch das Besetzungskarussell dreht sich fröhlich weiter:

TC Trench Crusade Andy Chambers 1


Trench Crusade team is proud to welcome the Horned Rat himself, Andy Chambers into the permanent design team!
With a career spanning over 3 decades, and covering an incredible multitude of landmark games from Warhammer 40K to Starcraft II, there is no-one we can think of who would be better suited for creating new rules and lore for the game.
Andy is one of the most in-demand game designers in the world, so we only have him with us for 1 full day a week, but as Tuomas who has worked years with Andy said, he can achieve in a day what many others would spend a month on.
We also asked Andy to say a few words to the Trench Crusade community:

„Greetings lost souls, I’m so deeply honoured that Tuomas has welcomed me onboard for Trench Crusade. I’d been watching it develop with great interest from afar for quite a while, of course, how could I not? But it was well served by a very dedicated and talented crew, and certainly didn’t need Andy’s size ten boots clomping around in it when I’ve got a bit of a storied history with the old grimdark already. Then you people, you glorious, insane people, came along and backed it like the last trumpet of the apocalypse had sounded. It got huge, massive like no-one had foreseen. With that kind of a overwhelming response Tuomas asked me to poke my beak in on the games rules side specifically, and poke I shall; not only because Tuomas is a fine and noble fellow to work with, and not only because he’ll pay me, but because I hope my experience with wrangling tabletop game rules for the past 34 years might have taught me something about the process. As always, we shall see about that… together.“

Quelle: Trench Crusade bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich verfolge das mal weiter. Leider ist Kitebashing nicht so meines und das scheint ja eines der Merkmale von Trench Crusade zu sein. Der morbide „Charme“ des Systems spricht mich schon an.

  • Ich warte schon auf meine Miniaturen, mal schauen wann die bei mir ankommen. Heute soll anscheinend auch der Kickstarter von Westfalia für die Red Brigade online gehen, auch hier STLs und physisch.

  • Ich bin schon fleißig an der Bemalung meiner Black Grail Warband dran und habe mir außerdem noch 3 weitere komplette Fraktionen drucken lassen.
    Bin einfach absolut begeistert vom Setting und der Lore und den Minis sowieso!

    Freue mich auch auf den morgigen Kickstarter von Westfalia, deren Red Brigade gefällt mir nochmal ein Stückchen besser als die „Vanilla“-New Antioch Fraktion.

    • Jetzt wo der Kickstarter public ist, ziehe ich mich aber leider von der Red Brigade zurück.
      $150 für die STLs find ich enorm happig.

      • Das hab ich auch gedacht. Tolle Figuren, aber wenn man es mit den Preisen anderer STL Kickstarter vergleicht doch sehr hoch.

  • Ich kann jedem empfehlen, das Spiel mal anzusehen. Es macht richtig Spaß. Wir überlegen uns eine Kampagne anzufangen.

    Die Daten sind aktuell auf myminifactory erhältlich.

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