The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms Chapter 1 Civil War Frontiers
Modiphius sind aktuell mit den STL-Dateien für das erste Call to Arms Kapitel auf MyMiniFactory unterwegs.
The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms – Chapter 1 (Civil War)
„Hey, you. You’re finally awake…“
It is the time of the Dragonborn. Imperials and Stormcloaks are locked in a brutal war for control of Skyrim, while deep in ancient barrows, the restless dead jealously guard their treasures against those brave or foolhardy enough to trespass their final resting places…
For Hobbyists, Collectors and Hardcore Fans
Whether you’re a fan of the video games, a hardcore Call to Arms player, an avid collector and painter, or you simply want Tamriel’s finest models for your homebrew TTRPG, The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Chapter 1 STL Collection is the perfect first step, providing you with infinite possibilities to print, paint, display and play.
Bring the Legendary Video Game to your Tabletop
The first chapter of The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms STL Collection is the perfect way to recreate iconic scenes from the video game on your tabletop. Play out the Dragonborn’s first battle with the fearsome Mirmulnir, the dragon at the vanguard of the beasts’ return to Tamriel, or change the tide of the civil war as Stormcloaks and Imperials battle for the fate of Skyrim. The ultimate choice will be yours.
32mm Scale High-Quality Multi-Part Miniatures and Terrain
Each STL file has been carefully and lovingly rendered in 32mm scale. The collection includes the exquisitely crafted Draugr Tomb Walls terrain, the previously unreleased-as-STL Golden Claw objective marker, and even the formidable warrior, Ulfric Stormcloak; the Voice-wielding Bear of Markarth himself, all delivered to you at the end of the FronTier campaign on April 6th.
Scourge Tier
The Scourge Tier is perfect for setting forth into the arctic tundra of Skyrim, giving you access to 34 premium STLs, including the key Starter Set STLs for both the Imperials and the Stromcloaks, and the magnificent ‚Chapter 0‘ promo model: The Dragonborn Triumphant! For those entranced by the ancient ruins of Skyrim, the Draugr Tomb Walls and Bleak Falls Barrow Starter Set provide an epic battlefield for the ongoing struggles of the Civil War. The Core Starter Tier also includes the Markers and Tokens set and Golden Claw, both brand new to STLs, and a 50% discount on the The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms Core Rules Box Set and Chapter 1: Civil War Card Pack to get you battling and adventuring straight away!
Overlord Tier
The Overlord Tier includes everything from the Scourge Tier, totaling 52 premium STLs. The Overlord Tier adds the iconic Puzzle Door and Word Wall, the latter brand new to STL, and Draugr Tomb Scatter to add immersion to those deadly barrow delves. Of course, when diving into the tombs of ancient Nords, beware the Skeleton Horde (also new to STL), undead warriors that eternally stand between your heroes and glory!
Dragon Priest Tier
For those that want everything, The Dragon Priest Tier provides! Containing everything from the Scourge and Overlord Tiers, this tier gives you 50% off The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms – Histories of the Empire Volume 1: The Stormcloak Rebellion, as well as a 50% discount on the The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms, Chapter 1 Card Pack: Civil War, with over 200 cards containing new heroes, followers, adversaries, upgrades, quests, traps, events and more! You also get access to the Imperial Officers, including General Tullius, and Ulfric Stormcloak and his Stormcloak Chieftains!
Treasure Chests
Adventurer Allies
Adventurer Followers
Draugr Ancients
Draugr Guardians
Imperial Reinforcments
Stormcloak Skirmishers
Dunmer Cultist & Stat Card PDF
Boethia’s Chosen & Stat Card PDF
Female Altmer & Stat Card PDF
Male Bosmer & Stat Card PDF
Female Khajit & Stat Card PDF
Female Redguard & Stat Card PDF
Bleaks Falls Barrow Arches (3 Models)
Westland Watchtower Ruins (30+ Models)
Are the cards available in PDF?
Unfortunately, we aren’t in a position to be able to offer the stat cards in an electronic format, either as PDFs or via an app, hence the 50% discount offer on the physical products.
However, you can download the core rule book from our website HERE.
Where’s the Dragonborn Triumphant?
The Dragonborn Triumphant was originally a ‚Chapter 0‘ promo miniature but is available to ALL tiers from Scourge upwards. We have updated the graphics to reflect this.
How do Milestones work?
The various Tier levels that refer to Milestones will only include those we unlock. We hope that we’ll unlock everything before the end of the campaign. We’ve updated the graphics to make that clearer.
Will the STLs be available after the FronTiers campaign?
We are likely to transition into a Tribes offering after the FronTiers campaign ends, but the pricing model will be different. The FronTiers will still be the most cost effective way to get the STLs, so get in early for the best price!
Quelle: The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms – Chapter 1 (Civil War)