von BK-Rafael | 02.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon, Science-Fiction

Tablehammer: Pegasus Assault Squads und Grimna Dwarfbane

Tablehammer zeigen ihren eine Vorschau auf Pegasus Assault Squads und Grimna Dwarfbane.

Tablehammer Jan25 01

Ordo Invictorix – Pegasus Assault Squads

It’s Tablehammer-Tuesday! Time for a sneakpeek of upcoming releases: January sees the birth of our incredible „Pegasus Assault Squads“ – an all new and multipart kit enabling you to build multiple variants of these jumppack m*therfuckers belonging to the „Ordo Invictorix“. ☠️🦅

⭐️ NEW: For 2025 we are introducing something new for our subscriptions as well: The „Throwback-Thursday“ where we will share previous releases from 2020 onwards to current patrons and tribers. First one will drop this thursday.

🤔 What else will there be in january-release?
We don’t want to spoil too much but there will be a Gigachad human hero slaughtering aliens in the jungle – and we have got some reinforcements for our fantasy-worlds with a new cavalry vampire hero. Stay tuned!


Tablehammer Jan25 02 Tablehammer Jan25 03 Tablehammer Jan25 04 Tablehammer Jan25 05 Tablehammer Jan25 06

Grimna Dwarfbane – new RPG-character

Huge axe: Check ☑️
Huge attitude: Check ☑️

Discover „Grimna Dwarfbane“ our newest RPG-character – now available for all patrons and tribersin december!


Quelle: Tablehammer bei Patreon



Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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