von BK-Christian | 24.03.2025 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Steamforged Games: Helldivers Brettspiel

Steamforged haben ein neues Brettspiel im Helldivers-Universum angekündigt.

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HELLDIVERS 2: The Board Game by  Steamforged Games

Dive into an intergalactic struggle to protect Super Earth and rid the galaxy of alien threats in the name of liberty and democracy.

Fanatical compliance is expected

Threats to the galaxy don’t rest, and Super Earth needs its best. That’s why the Ministry of Humanity commissioned this intensive tabletop experience, for those prepared to demonstrate true devotion to Democracy. The more you train, the more ready you’ll be to wipe out alien threats!

In a short series of Ministry-sanctioned transmissions, we’ll prepare you to undertake the experience, starting with how to pilot your tabletop Helldiver avatar. Ready? Buckle up.

Enter the Simulation

This is a fast-paced tabletop experience designed to simulate tactical situations you’ll encounter in the field. You’d better bring your A-game to every mission, because Super Earth is watching.

Fail? Dust yourself off and get back in there! This isn’t a campaign game. Every session is a whole new opportunity to prove yourself. It’s already a brand new day!

Armed with weapons and stratagems, you’ll navigate hostile battlefields, call in reinforcements, and face down enemy swarms. Missions are high-stakes with evolving objectives and threats. Every decision could mean the difference between glorious victory, or honorable martyrdom in service of Super Earth.

  • First, decide whether you’re training alone or with friends*. This simulation supports up to four aspiring Helldivers, for maximum efficiency.
  • Then, choose a pre-built Helldiver or custom build your own (more on this below).
  • Next, decide which enemy faction, difficulty level, and mission type you’ll be testing your skills against.

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Now, you’re ready to dispense liberty! Were you successful? Of course you were. Helldivers are the galaxy’s elite! Time to crank up the difficulty, try out new equipment loadouts, and take on a new mission. Liberty never sleeps!

(*Word to the wise? Watch out for friendly fire. Accuracy takes a back seat when Democracy’s at stake.)

Pre-Built Helldivers
The Ministry of Humanity strongly advises using a pre-built Helldiver for your first mission. Their load-outs have been fine-tuned by Super Earth’s brightest minds to deliver maximum justice with wholly necessary force. To help you choose, the pre-builds have names which tell you their military strengths.

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  • For long-ranged firepower, select the Sniper
  • Want to bring the heat? Look no further than the Pyro
  • If dispensing serious damage sounds like your kind of party, choose the Heavy
  • All about battlefield control? It’s the Captain for you

These four archetypes are capable of handling a wide variety of challenges, so you can take them on all kinds of missions. Once you’ve got the hang of things, you’ll also have the option of building your own Helldiver.

Build Your Own Helldiver

Inspired to create your own loadout? We love to see it, soldier.

First, choose a set of action cards to determine what options your Helldiver has in the field.

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Action cards often include moving, firing weapons (great for encouraging targets to give up their opposition to democratic freedom), throwing grenades (also great for spreading Democracy), and more specialised actions.

You’ll get to use one card per turn. Usually, your Helldiver gets to do everything on that card, in any order you like. Freedom!

Next, select your weapons, including:

  • Primary weapon
  • Secondary weapon
  • Support weapon
  • Grenades

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Your primary weapon adds another, unique action card to your deck. Your support weapon has notable tactical impact, too. Will you suppress advancing enemy hordes with a Machine Gun, or deliver maximum damage to a single target with a Recoilless Rifle, trusting a helpful teammate to reload it for you?

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Finally, select stratagems! Super Earth has made its best weaponry available to you. Guard Dogs, Gatling Sentries, Eagle Airstrikes, Orbital Strikes — take your pick from these ultimate expressions of freedom.

Pick Up New Equipment

During your missions, you’ll be expected to display the ingenuity and flexibility Helldivers are known for, finding — or unlocking — new equipment and abilities in the field, allowing you to adapt your tactics to evolving situations.

For example, locating a point of interest could result in finding a random support weapon. Do you drop the weapon you’re carrying and equip the new one, or stick with your existing loadout?

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Additionally, as you lay waste to the enemies of Super Earth and complete your objectives, you’ll earn medals. Medals are earned collectively, as a squad.

Medals do two things:

  • First, they’re a way of tracking your score on a mission. The more medals you earn, the higher your score.
  • Second, when you earn enough medals, you’re able to unlock new abilities for your Helldiver.

Back when you were selecting or customising your Helldiver, you added two or three stratagem cards to your dashboard. The first is ready to use from the start of the mission. The second and third are locked.

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Once you hit six medals, you can choose to unlock either of those locked stratagems, giving you two stratagems at your disposal.

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(This is in addition to the resupply and reinforcement stratagems, which everyone can access at all times.)

And what else can you unlock with medals? Upgraded action cards!

Upgraded action cards, like additional stratagems, start the game locked. Hitting six medals means you can choose to unlock your upgraded action card, representing your improved skills on the simulated battlefield, or your second stratagem,

Is it an easy choice? No! Is purging the galaxy of alien threats easy? Also no! This simulation is designed to prepare your mind for tough decisions in the name of freedom, Helldiver. If you can’t pick a card, you can’t go forth and liberate in the name of Super Earth.

And besides, if you want both, just earn eleven medals. It couldn’t be easier!

Solo Training

Willing to train even when no teammates are available? Super Earth supports your dedication to the cause. This tabletop experience is designed to let you control two Helldivers at once. Don’t let a lack of company stand in the way of your devotion!

Speaking of devotion, for the most faithful fighters, the EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit expansion takes solo sessions to the next level by introducing an AI ally to fight alongside you.

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Following a set of simple behaviours, the Patriot Exosuit will escort your Helldiver on missions, deploying suppressing fire and explosions as needed to extend your service and combat viability.

You can also deploy and pilot it as a stratagem in multiplayer sessions to put a serious dent in enemy forces!

Follow the campaign here on Gamefound

The citizens of Super Earth will rest easier knowing training of an elite new force is underway. Study up, Helldivers, and prepare to pledge on April 8!

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Quelle: Helldivers 2 bei Gamefound


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Helldivers 2 als Tabletop? Nun ja, kann man machen. Auf der anderen Seite kann man aber auch weiter das Game zocken. Wobei da ja der Hype mittlerweile auch schon einiges vorbei ist. Ich bin mal gespannt, wie gut dieses Projekt einschlagen wird – Helldivers 2 Fans gibt es ja wohl genug da draußen.

    • Ich verstehe auch nicht warum ein erfolgreiches Computerspiel eine Brettspiel-Umsetzung braucht. Vor allem der Versuch das Computerspiel möglichst nachzustellen.
      Ein Bettspiel mit dem Hintergrund aber deutlich abstrakter mit Fokus auf Strategie und Planung wäre da mMn viel passender. Für mich riecht das immer nur nach einer weiteren Nische für Merch. Ob das Brettdpiel gut ist oder, ganz abwegiger Gedanke: ohne Kenntnis des Orginals Spaß macht scheint oft egal wird eh nicht gespielt sondern landet, einmal geöffnet, im Merch-Regal/Schrein.
      Dabei hätte der Hintergrund echt Potential. Der Spieler ist der General und muss die Einsätze der Helldiver und der Ressourcen planen. Nur sind die Helldiver völlige Chaoten mit einer starken Tendenz sinnlos Resourcen zu verfallen und sich unnötig zu Opfern. Man muß nicht nur den Feind bekämpfen sondern auch verhindern das die eigenen Truppen sich Kamikazeartig selbst mit dem Feind vernichten. Das wäre mal was erquickend neues.

      • Ähm Bürger? Die Helldiver sind Helden, welche die ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Mittel mit Maß und Umsicht einsetzen, um die gelenkte Demokratie und die Freiheit zu verbreiten und zu verteidigen. Und diesen heldenhaften Märtyrern „Kamikaze“ zu unterstellen, riecht mir nach Verrat. Du solltest diese öffentlichen Massenmedien mit Umsicht verwenden, wenn du nicht willst, dass das Wahrheitsministerium auf dich aufmerksam wird.

      • Klingt bei dir wie ein weiteres Eurogame mit Worker Placement.

        Ne, als erstes/einziges Helldivers Spiel darf es ruhig thematischer und (ameri)trashiger sein 😀

  • Ich fürchte da werde ich All-In gehen müssen 😅

    Hab jetzt 1200+ Stunden in dem Spiel auf der Konsole versenkt.

    Sollten die Regeln hinter den Erwartungen zurück bleiben, schnappe ich mir einfach die Modelle und spiele „Doomdivers“.

    Hatte so ein Projekt ohnehin mal angedacht, könnte mit den Brettspiel-Minis deutlich günstiger ausfallen, als sich alles drucken zu lassen.

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