Star Wars Shatterpoint: Requesting Your Surrender Infos
Atomic Mass Games haben das neue Pack Requesting Your Surrender genauer vorgestellt.
Our featured squad is one led by the widely admired Jedi Master Kit Fisto, a Nautolan leader who would be among those to witness and endure the final tragic years of the Galactic Republic. He would rise to sit on the Jedi High Council, serving as a Jedi General against Separatists in the Clone Wars. Kit Fisto was a fierce duelist, a Jedi of tremendous focus but noted for a sense of humor and appreciation for life. He had an impact on many Jedi of his era, especially his one-time padawan, the Mon Calamari Nahdar Vebb, who as a Jedi Knight joined Kit Fisto in his most memorable engagements. These Jedi were supported by CC-3714, aka Clone Commander Fil, with the tight-knit clone troopers under him, sometimes referred to as “Fil’s Squad” or “Fil’s Clones,” recognizable for the rusty red markings on their clone armor.
The bond between Master Fisto and Nahdar Vebb predates the Clone Wars, when Nahdar served as Fisto’s padawan. The Jedi master’s duties fighting on Geonosis would see the two separated but they were eventually reunited. Clone Commander Fil and his squad joined them while chasing down a leader of the Separatist Council, an extended and difficult mission. It later came to light they had been manipulated by Count Dooku to be placed in the path of General Grievous, lured into his well-fortified lair. This clash would end in tragedy for the squad. While Fisto would escape to continue the fight elsewhere, he would eventually face his demise confronting Darth Sidious alongside Mace Windu and other Jedi Masters of the Council.
While some Jedi feel at liberty to fire a blaster when at a distance, Jedi Master Kit Fisto always prefers to close on the foe, lightsaber in hand. The Force facilitates this. He can utilize Force Speed to make an immediate Advance, and he also benefits from the speed of the Strike Team with Supporting Fire: Dash. The combination of these abilities can provide Requesting Your Surrender Squad Pack a considerable burst of additional movement, as do certain options in his Stances.
This expert duelist has ways to ensure adversaries cannot face him free from reprisal. Riposte allows Fisto to exploit flaws in his foe’s attacks, dealing damage when they roll Failures. I’m Afraid I Must Request Your Surrender bestows potent benefits in either of his Stances, giving him Steadfast and improved defense rolls in Form I, or Protection and Immunity to being Pinned in Form IV. Additionally, in either Stance, this Identity Ability lets Fisto Reposition when he would Advance, affecting his Force Speed, giving tremendous movement flexibility.
Kit Fisto is known for his mastery of Lightsaber Form I Shii-Cho, his preferred Stance. With its elegant simplicity and tempered aggression, it can be extremely formidable employed by such a master, providing strong defense without sacrificing attack power. Fisto is also versed in Form IV Ataru, also known as the Aggression Form. This Stance suits Fisto well with its emphasis on using the Force to augment speed and agility amid an all-out offensive. It lowers Fisto’s Defense Stats but raises his Melee Attack Stat commensurately. And while this Stance is undeniably aggressive, it offers a wealth of tactical options via its Combat Tree. Counterintuitively, Form IV offers higher potential damage, while Form I Shii-Cho maxes out at 8 damage. Both Stances allow Fisto to Shove enemies away from objectives or otherwise impair them to facilitate attacks by his allies.
Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb fights ably alongside Kit Fisto, proving his dauntless courage. His time fighting in the war and enduring the horrors of battle hardened Vebb, giving him a taste for vengeance. He shows no hesitation confronting his most potent enemies and is capable of tying up such foes and possibly even finishing them himself.
Nahdar Vebb has several abilities geared toward attacking enemy Primary or Secondary characters. I Got Carried Away gives him a bonus Dash as a Reactive Ability when the enemy Primary makes a move action. I’ve Been Waiting For This allows Vebb to heal slightly and refresh a Force token if an enemy Primary or Secondary character engages him. Most potently, I Will Hold Them Off is a Force-empowered Reactive Ability that allows Vebb to augment his attacks, scaling with the nature of the threat. This ability makes Vebb considerably more formidable against a Primary character in particular. And as he is versed in Form IV Ataru as his Stance, like his former master, Vebb can commit to potent attacks capable of inflicting substantial damage. His Tenacity Defense Expertise Chart and I’ve Been Waiting For This ability can give Vebb the durability needed to take such risks.
The two formidable Jedi are fortunate to have the support of disciplined clone troopers under the oversight of CC-3714, Clone Commander Fil. These troopers and their leader are accustomed to a variety of combat scenarios and are skilled at securing vital objectives or assisting in neutralizing a key target. Both Fil and his clones have We Can Take Him Down Easy, able to exchange a Force token to add 2 dice to an attack roll targeting the enemy Primary character. This allows them to ably assist Nahdar Vebb against such a foe.
Clone Commander Fil has access to Grappling Hook to both climb to a better position and gain a Hunker token to shield him from ranged attacks. He boasts that We Specialize in Making Entrances, a Reactive Ability that lets a Jedi Advance toward an objective that is close to an enemy distracted by being fired upon by their squad. His Commanding Presence allows Fil’s nearby soldiers to avoid a condition in exchange for suffering minor damage instead, leaving them unimpaired to perform as ordered.
Fil’s Clones are combat-ready soldiers whose bonds with each other and their commander make it seem they are all of one mind.
True Brothers in Arms who benefit from a shared Defensive Maneuver, these soldiers can spend a Force token to Dash and gain a Hunker token, which will also make them Steadfast. This squad can provide Supporting Fire: Healing to the Unit that triggered it, augmenting their resilience or removing a condition. Comparing Fil’s Element of Surprise Stance with his clones’ Advanced Combat Training, many similarities can be seen. Though Fil is slightly better at melee over ranged combat, the reverse is true of his troopers. Worth bearing in mind that all their attack stats are bolstered by We Can Take Him Down Easy when gunning for the enemy Primary.
While it may be Jedi Master Kit Fisto’s priority to Allow the enemy to surrender, his squad is adept at forcing the issue if need be. Combat veterans one and all, they fight together well and see the job done, even when facing off against the most formidable adversaries. Given how swiftly and aggressively both Kit Fisto and Nahdar Vebb prefer to move to engage the foe, the trick to their mutual survival may be ensuring the squad stays together and strike as one rather than allowing any single element to rush ahead and become a sacrifice. In addition to working together as this historical squad, they might be mixed in with other Galactic Republic units, fighting alongside peers who also braved the Clone Wars or related conflicts.
That’s all we have for today’s preview of this featured squad! Be sure to check back for more information on additional new and upcoming releases to learn how your favorite Shatterpoint characters transition to the tabletop. The Requesting your Surrender Squad Pack is available for pre-order at your local friendly game store or through the webstore.
Until next time, Atomic Mass Games, signing off!
Quelle: Atomic Mass Games
Eigentlich würde ich Shatterpoint gerne mögen, doch werd ich das Gefühl nicht los, dass das Regelwerk und das eigentliche Spiel inkl. Terrain nicht harmonieren. Gerade Sichtlinien sind sehr ungewohnt. Vieles wirkt auf mich als wärs für zweidimensionale Tische (wie Warmachine z.B.) definiert.
Was Sichtlinie und Bewegung angeht, stimmt das. Da sind die Regeln schon recht abstrakt gehalten. Wobei nur Springen- und Klettern-Aktionen eine Bewegung auf höhere Ebenen erlauben. Ansonsten muss eine Bewegung nah an einem „Transferpunkt“ (Leiter) enden.
Die höher gelegenen Ebenen sind während des Spielens aber schon sehr entscheidend, weil auf ihnen Konfliktmarker liegen und Figuren durch Attacken u.a. heruntergeschubst werden können. Hierdurch können sie dann evt. nicht mehr punkten.
Kurzum: Das 3D-Gelände macht Sinn und sorgt meiner Meinung nach für eine intensivere Spielerfahrung, die Regeln dazu sind jedoch sehr vereinfacht und durchaus abstrakt (gegenüber den meisten anderen Tabletop-Spielen). Hat man sich aber einmal dran gewöhnt, spielt sich Shatterpoint sehr klar und flüssig und es gibt keine Diskussionen, ob z.B. eine Sichtline besteht, eine Bewegung möglich ist oder nicht.
Dem kann ich zu 100% zustimmen.
Der Abstraktionsgrad ist am Anfang irritierend, aber ermöglicht, wenn man es verstanden hat ein dynamisches und flüssiges Spiel.
Gerade die Höhenunterschiede nehmen für die Missionen einen hohen Stellenwert ein und jeden Zug musst du überlegen, wie du das Gelände zu deinem Vorteil nutzen kannst.
Nicht umsonst waren Obi Wans Worte nicht: „We kinda have the same ground.“
Ich sehe irgendwie ständig star wars Produkte auf der resterampe. Sowohl legion als auch shatterpoint. Hatte irgendwie angenommen, dass da die Lager geräumt werden bevor die news mit der Einstellung des Spiels herausgehauen wird. Offenbar nicht