von BK-Rafael | 07.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: ARF Troopers Regeln

Atomic Mass Games präsentieren die Regeln für Star Wars Legion ARF Troopers.

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Scene to Stats: ARF Troopers

“Why do we always get the fun missions?” ―Clone Trooper Boil

The Grand Army of the Republic utilized a variety of specialist troopers throughout the Clone Wars. While other variants carried out risky assaults behind enemy lines or high-profile guard details, the Advanced Recon Force troopers were the harbingers of the main effort, carrying out important reconnaissance missions for their Jedi generals. Equipped with long-range blasters and advanced sensor equipment, these soldiers were designed to exploit weak points in the enemy’s battle lines. Their specialized training gave GAR armies the intelligence needed to gain the upper hand in the battles of the Clone Wars. Get ready to unleash havoc upon some unsuspecting Clankers as we take a look at ARF troopers for Star Wars™: Legion.

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ARF troopers come with several options to deal with all manner of battlefield threats. They are a Special Forces unit with four miniatures. Equipped with lightweight but hardy plastoid armor, ARF troopers deftly maneuver themselves into an advantageous position to best make use of their unit keywords. Their Reconnaissance specialization is represented by Scout 1, giving them a free move onto the battlefield to start the fight. Experts in navigating even the harshest territories, Unhindered ensures that ARF troopers will never be slowed by difficult terrain. Once they are in a hardened position, Low Profile helps this unit shrug off enemy blaster fire. Finally, no Recon unit would be complete without Observe 2, allowing this unit to hand out Observation tokens to better support the rest of the clone army. By allowing friendly units like the TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank to re-roll their attack dice, ARF troopers boost the combat effectiveness of their allies, while providing a solid punch of their own. Read on to see what deadly upgrades this unit can equip to enhance the Grand Army of the Republic.

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The ARF trooper squad can equip a respectable number of upgrades to boost their offensive and defensive potential. The Personnel slot can be used to equip an ARF Trooper Duo. This upgrade adds two ARF troopers to the squad and gives the unit Cache: Surge 1. When you need the perfect weapon to fight off an ambush, the RPS-6 complements the unit’s existing long-range prowess and adds Impact 2 to its attack pool. If vehicles are causing you problems, the squad could also use the Grenade slot to equip Impact Grenades and add extra anti-vehicle potential to their attacks. Or if the ARF troopers are trying to hunt down an important commander to signal the start of a large offensive, they could equip Hunter to generate an extra aim against wounded quarries. Finally, ARF troopers can equip an exciting new upgrade: the Jedi Guardian “Squad Leader” upgrade. Famed for showing their Jedi commanders exactly where and when to strike, this upgrade allows one of these Jedi to be equipped directly to the ARF unit. When equipped, the ARF unit gains Charge and adds a hard-hitting lightsaber attack to its melee profile. This allows an ARF unit to react to a multitude of threats and problems, and provide a strong counterpunch to potential close-range threats.

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A commander looking to add ARF troopers to their list has many choices in how to maximize their potential. Their long-range potential will pair strongly with Clone Commander Cody, whose Command Cards can both launch a devastating ranged attack or retreat your ARFs back into cover after firing the open salvo. Cody can also amplify their usefulness as vehicle hunters with “Bring it Down” combined with their RPS-6 delivering a strong anti-vehicle punch where it’s needed most. Another role ARFs can fill is an independent flank threat. Equipped with an Emergency Transponder and an ARF trooper duo, this squad excels at holding down a side Point of Interest or overtaking a lightly defended point. Their native Scout 1 ensures this squad can get into an advantageous position quickly, and then gain an aim to bolster their attack pool as they advance by fire into their next objective. A final consideration for the ARF trooper squad leans into the Jedi Guardian, focusing on melee potential by equipping Into the Fray, Comms Jammer, and Frag Grenades for maximum close-range lethality. A squad like this will try to make the most that it can out of Charge, and would be well supported by an offensive Jedi Commander like Anakin or Obi-Wan Kenobi. No matter how you choose to use them, ARF troopers are going to be a fearsome addition to your games of Star Wars: Legion.

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After you have scouted up into the perfect ambush position, purchase the ARF Troopers Unit Expansion at your local game store or through the webstore today. Be sure to check back later for yet another installment of From Scene to Stats, the series where we give you your first look at how your favorite characters transition to the tabletop in Star Wars: Legion.

Until next time, Atomic Mass Games, signing off!

Quelle: AMG Transmissions

Star Wars Legion ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasywelt erhältlich.


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Tja, ganz nett. Mich wundert etwas, dass die DC15-A gar kein Wucht-1 mehr hat. (Wäre vielleicht zu OP?) 🙄

    Etwas schade/unübersichtlich finde ich auch die neuen Erweiterungskarten ohne Bilder/Artworks. Den „Jedi“ jetzt unter dem „Clone-Helm“ zu suchen…nunja. Das war vorher besser. 🤔😣

    Aber die Minis sind nice,v.a. der Jedi. 🙂

    • Tatsächlich finde ich die neuen Karten auch wirklich schwach gestaltet. So suche ich ja ewig nach einer Karte, statt einfach nach optischen Merkmalen wie einem Bild zu scannen.
      Und ja, es gibt „Fan Fixes“, aber das muss ja nötig sein, dass die Fans immer alles retten.

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