Spectre Miniatures: Neuheiten
Von Spectre kommen neue Modelle im Cthulhu-Setting.
Fragments of Shub Niggurath – €9,95
These tentacled spawn are fragments of the elder thing, Shub Niggurath. In Mythos games they can appear in summoning’s, tearing through a cultists mind and body into our realm.
An Avatar of Shub Niggurath can also sacrifice mass points in order to spawn them.
New England Police – €24,95
These cops are typical of the city’s and towns of New England during the 20s and 30s. Each man is armed with revolvers and two men carry shotguns in the form of a Winchester 1897 and Ithaca.
These officers can add extra muscle to your investigation and narrative to scenarios.
Avatar of Shub Niggurath – €30,95
“Ia! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!”
— H. P. Lovecraft
This Eldritch horror is an avatar of the black goat of the woods with a thousand young – Shub Niggurath. This can be summoned by cultists in Mythos games in order to bring about the end of mankind.
Shoggoth – €14,95
It was a terrible, indescribable thing vaster than any subway train—a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light all over the tunnel-filling front that bore down upon us, crushing the frantic penguins and slithering over the glistening floor that it and its kind had swept so evilly free of all litter.
— H. P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness
Shoggoths are extremely hard to kill and will be tough opposition for any Agents.
Rural Hybrids – €9,95
These characters are the result of a union with some inhuman horror. The resulting offspring are often malformed to some regard, but gifted with unnaturally long life and understanding of things man was not intended to know.
These Hybrids are dressed in simple clothing and carry old weapons. The Colt navy revolver is a relic of the Civil War, while the Winchester 1873 served the frontier.
None can say whether these are family heirlooms, or these are their original owners
Urban Hybrids – €9,95
These characters are the result of a union with some inhuman horror. The resulting offspring are often malformed to some regard, but gifted with unnaturally long life and understanding of things man was not intended to know.
These Hybrids are dressed in more formal attire and carry a simple shotgun and revolver for defence.
Mythos Detectives – €9,95
These Agents are representative of Federal law enforcement in early 20th century America -although their civilian clothing would allow multiple usage.
These detectives are lightly armed with a .38 revolver and the classic 1911 semi-automatic pistol.
They both carry flashlights for their inevitable adventures into the dark corners of the world.
Mythos Agents – €24,95
These men are used to dealing with the worst of Americas criminals, but are they prepared to combat horrors beyond comprehension?
These agents are representative of Federal law enforcement in early 20th century America -although their civilian clothing would allow multiple usage.
They have a mix of weapons, from the iconic tommy guns, Winchester 1897 shotgun and the formidable BAR machine gun.
Quelle: Spectre Miniatures
gefällt mir … Lovecraft gegründet immer 😉
GEHT IMMER … Autokorrektur am Morgen ist nervig
Wenn die Sterne gegründet stehen, beginnt eine neue Zeit.
Und Shoggoten gehen immer!
Allg. sehen die gut aus, die niederen Wesen.
Bei Spectre hätte ich eher mit SCP oder Control Style als Cthulhu-Setting gerechnet als classic Lovecraft.
Aber die Minis gefallen mir trotzdem.
Wirklich eine schöne Miniaturenreihe hat SPECTRE insgesamt.
Immer wieder cool!
Wird der Mythos von nichts verschont oder verschont der Mythos nichts? 🤔
Trotzdem interessant. Bis jetzt konnte mich noch keine TT-Umsetzung begeistern, aber Spectre steht eh auf meiner Roadmap.
Das praktische bei Lovecraft ist halt, dass es sehr bekannt ist, teilweise sehr vage in der Lore aber vollkommen Lizenzfrei.
Stell Dir vor jeder könnte kostenlos die Star Wars Lizenz nutzen und auch noch neue Völker und Fraktionen einarbeiten, wieviel mehr Anbieter es da gäbe…
Sobald deren Mythos Core Box mal verfügbar ist, könnte ich mich auch sehr erwärmen.