von BK-Rafael | 19.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Signum Games: Ghostfire Nogitsune Vorbestellung

Signum Games präsentieren die Vorbestellung ihrer Ghostfire Nogitsune.

Signum Kitsune 1

Meet the new miniatures of the Ghostfire Nogitsune!

The new Dark Kitsune miniatures are available for pre-order starting today!

Elegantly and fearsome, these warriors embody the twisted beauty of evil. Their natural grace and playfulness have been replaced by an unrelenting thirst for retribution, fueled by dark magic.
Add them to your collection and bring the atmosphere of dark fantasy to your tabletop adventures. Be among the first to own them—pre-order now!

Shipping begins January 28rd.

Signum Kitsunepack 1 Signum Kitsunepack 6 Signum Kitsunepack 5 Signum Kitsunepack 4 Signum Kitsunepack 3 Signum Kitsunepack 2

Legends of Signum 2: Warseer Faction Box “Ghostfire Nogitsune”- €66,96

Set of Miniatures for “Legends of Signum 2: Warseer” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Race: kitsune.
Class: fighter, warlord, warrior, monk.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
Round plastic bases and game cards are included.

Set includes:


Quelle: Signum Games, Ghostfire Kitsune


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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