Reconquer Designs: März Patreon
Diesen Monat gibt es unter anderem eine Kapelle bei Reconquer Designs.
Full recap of March’s models!
For March (ready in a couple of days) we have:
Roger de Flor: Famed mercenary leader serving the primary interests of the crown of Aragon leading the great Catalan Company! Both mounted and dismounted, with mace and sword versions, and sugarloaf and cervellera helm verions
Almugavers: The famed mountainmen and raiders who provoked battles with the Moors at the behest of their kings, and defeated larger armies of Turks, (and after they were betrayed) Byzantines and Franks as part of the Catalan Company. 4 of the 8 pictured above have alternative versions with different helmets and a bare head
Clergy to accompany San Miguel de Lillo: A bishop, a priest/monk, and two nuns
San Miguel de Lillo! a beautiful building with a mixture of the sharp characteristics of the pre-Romanesque style of Asturian buildings and Romanesque architecture. 2 versions, the „full“ one close to what it may likely have looked like prior to the 13th century, and the smaller version, rebuilt and closer to what it looks like to day (pictured printed above!)
Let me know what you think!
Quelle: Reconquer Designs bei Patreon