Perry Miniatures: Neue Previews
Perry Miniatures präsentieren neue Preview Bilder auf Facebook.
Napoleonic Spanish Plastic updateAlan has been busy painting up resins of the ‘3ups’ while he waited for the frames to arrive. These are useful for the painting guide sheet included in each box and the back of the box, plus they’re good fun to paint! In fact, Alan has just finished work on the guide itself and has sent it off for printing. He has painted over 20 of these ‘3ups’in all and will show more with following updates along with painted plastics, cover paintings etc. as we approach their release at Salute. For those who are not aware the ‘3ups’ are the original size (close to 90mm) that we sculpt the original figures for the plastic sets, these are then scaled down in the pantographing process by Renedra.The metal figure that will be the free giveaway if you buy three sets direct from us is the Marquis de La Romana.
Quelle: Perry Miniatures auf Facebook