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A few things Alan’s been working on.Over the break Alan went off-piste a little and made some Vendeans and Chouans to fight the French Revolutionaries. He had quite a few post-cast green civilians knocking about on his workbench which were crying out to be converted, so within quite short time Alan had four packs of Vendeans/ Chouans done. Although there were quite a lot of Vendean Royalist uprisings from 1793 through to 1832, these represent the main revolt in 1793, which was first and the particularly bloody one. Many figures are in the traditional Breton dress i.e. baggy breaches and long un-bound hair carrying muskets and glaives made from scythe blades. There are, of course, probably many other uses for these figures.Alan has also converted the later Napoleonic Prussian limber and team to the 1806 version.These will all be in metal.
Quelle: Perry Miniatures auf Facebook
Ein interessanter Schlenker in die chaotische zeit der franz. Revolution. Ich weiß nicht ob das für mich Interessant sein wird. Aber für ein schlankes Skirmish eignen sich Kämpfe in der Vendée allemal.