von BK-Markus | 06.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Perry Miniatures: Neue Preview

Perry Miniatures präsentieren neue Preview Bilder auf Facebook.

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Coming very soon, Bavarian Infantry 1870-71
At last, they are on the horizon! The plastic 28mm multi-part Bavarian infantry for the Franco-Prussian War are on the way. Although they are meant for that war they also fought the Prussians four years earlier in the same uniforms and equipment, if you are willing to overlook minor differences on the rifle breeches. There are 36 infantry in the box, including 24 Line Infantry plus 4 command as well as 8 Jäger/Schützen, all with helmet or forage cap choices. More info on pre-ordering coming soon. Keep your eyes peeled!


Quelle: Perry Miniatures auf Facebook


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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