von BK-Nils | 18.03.2025 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Necromunda: Hagthor Jarlun und Aster Felsturn Preview

Der Abgrund von Hive Secundus ist schon für sich alleine eine tödliche Bedrohung, ohne die Schrecken die im Dunkeln lauern, aber dank der Fährleute des Abgrundes besteht eine geringfügig höhere Überlebenschance, bald auch mit zwei namhaften Charakteren, Hagthor Jarlun und Aster Felsturn.

Two more Abyssal Ferrymen are waiting to guide you into the Underhells

The abyssal depths of Hive Secundus are home to lost technology of incalculable worth. Riches await those who can snag these treasures while avoiding Malstrain Genestealers, but just getting through the Exclusion Zone that surrounds it is a tough enough task.

That’s why gangs will hire crews of enterprising Abyssal Ferrymen to lead them to Secundus… and who is that waiting amid the bustle of Port Styx? Why, it’s an infamous pair of skilled chaperones – Hagthor Jarlun and Aster Felsturn.

Games Workshop Two More Abyssal Ferrymen Are Waiting To Guide You Into The Underhells 1

Hagthor – one of the few Ironhead Squats to survive the destruction of Jardlan – first stumbled across the tenacious Aster on one of his many expeditions into the ruined Hive. Outnumbered and outgunned, he watched from afar as Aster fought off a dozen Brood Scum with nothing but a jack wrench and a desire to survive.

Following her back to Port Styx, Hagthor discovered a place teeming with people plying the extremely risky but profitable Ferryman trade. Seeing the opportunity to make a living, he extended a hand to Aster. They complement each other perfectly – Aster is willing to take riskier contracts, while the more cautious Hagthor makes sure they don’t wind up biting off more than they can chew.

Games Workshop Two More Abyssal Ferrymen Are Waiting To Guide You Into The Underhells 2 Games Workshop Two More Abyssal Ferrymen Are Waiting To Guide You Into The Underhells 3

Aster makes use of an armour rig known as the Harpy, to which she makes extensive modifications, safe in the knowledge that Hagthor will keep it running no matter how outlandish the tweaks. Her mind is a source of Endless Innovation, and she frequently turns his hand to fine-tuning vehicles when part of a Ferryman team.

Games Workshop Two More Abyssal Ferrymen Are Waiting To Guide You Into The Underhells 4

Hagthor Jarlun and Aster Felsturn are made from Forge World resin, and will be released shortly. They come with rules in the box, but you can also read up on what they do in Necromunda: Book of Desolation.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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