Mini Monsters: Chaos Totems
Mini Monsters haben ein neues kleines Dekoelement in ihrem Shop: Chaos Totems
Chaos Totems – 8,17€
Set contains 2 highly detailed terrain model dedicated to any 28-32mm miniatures games set in fantasy world.
The model is a ready-to-play scenery that can be used in any miniature wargame or to create a diorama.Dimensions: 89mm, 91mm (height)
Scale: 28-30mm (1:55-1:60)
Weight: ~18gThis product is made of high-quality resin.
Model is supplied unpainted.The skeleton figure are not part of the set, they are only for scale presentation.
Wargames terrain that fits perfectly into tabletop games such as Warhammer Old World, Age of Sigmar, Warmachine, Kings of War, D&D, Moonstone etc.
Quelle: Mini Monsters