von BK-Bob | 12.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Medbury Miniatures: Februar Patreon

Diesen Monat gibt es unter anderem ein Ork Katapult bei Medbury Miniatures.

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February Release Update

There’s been a change of schedule with the historical figures, in place of the mounted kits for february, we are pushing those back to put out some command sets which are missing from the range, 4 Sets of infantry commanders/personalities because we haven’t really done any musicians and banners, ive got a preview of the first 5, the rest are well on the way

so the infantry commanders are the Knight who here is shown still with the older out of fashion split surcoat, the banner bearer and drummer, drummers in warfare are pretty new to this period, but did exist, the crossbow command set will be depicted in the archery duel with the archers across the field, that’s the banner bearer here, in my mind im thinking of the crecy genoese Xbowmen against the english, and the commanders here aren’t behind the pavises so are cowering

The archer command set have this inept hornblower who has fumbled his arrows and 2 cocky leaders in there Banner and Leader,

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Febuary Fantasy Release

Here is the Preview for the Fantasy releases for Feb. This month was perhaps the wrong month to try and do extra content given we missed 2 weeks preparing for cancon… but its here now! This month we have the elven militia in combative poses! As Well as a orc catapult and crew. These figures will be live on the 5th to download, and up on the webstore in a few days, the catapult im doing another test print to be sure it’s alright, so that one might be a day later

So the 3 elf kits are elven militia with spears, bows, and this time swords, these are in the same style as the kits from October 2024 with slightly different clothing on each, but in action poses, they are all single piece minus the spears which as usual are separate, if your using these and looking for the commanders you’ll want to have a look at the command set we did in october.

The 4th Kit is the orc catapult and crew, this one was a request we had i thought i would tackle, the crew are the same size as all our other orc’s but less armoured given there roll.  the catapult in this kit isn’t strictly based off any specific historical reference and in my head is a decent middle ground between a few designs, my head canon for this piece is that the orcs would have seen siege equipment from men or dwarves from affair, and without math and science wouldn’t be able to design their own efficient system, so have instead built a rough approximation, the catapult is wheeled and has a crude toe bar at the front and i would very much like to later down the line do a Troll Sculpt towing it along. The catapult is in separate components and has a couple of different options for printing the core frame depending on your printer size.

A quick note on printing the catapult, if your used to printing our figures usually, this one is very different, its got a lot more suction and weight behind it, and thus the supports for the hull along the bottom have some thicker supports to prevent fails, this means you will be better off using clippers to remove supports as opposed to pulling it out by hand, and they will require some light sanding, they are only on the bottom so it won’t be visible,

Quelle: Medbury Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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