von BK-Rafael | 09.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Malifaux

Malifaux: Fleshy Residium Vorschau

Wyrd präsentieren eine Vorschau für Malifaux: Fleshy Residuum.

Malifaux Fleshy 1

Waldo’s Weekly – My own Mitosis

Hey Wyrdos!

This week, Waldo decided to put all the office lunches into one big super-sandwich. The result wasn’t great (soup doesn’t tend to stay within the confines of bread crust)… so while we try and clean up our imp’s culinary disaster, let’s take a look at some other Leftovers you’ll most definitely want to put on your table!

Fleshy Residuum is the latest box for the Experimental and Transmortis keywords. Filled to the brim with Leftovers, 2 Bisections, and 4 Last Bites, it’s an ooey, gooey, wobbly, gelatinous mess of rotting flesh. All 7 models are preassembled, meaning you can get them on the table. Speaking of which, these models also play very well on the table!


Leftovers are an exciting new enforcer for Experimental and Transmortis players. Leftovers fills a unique niche, because they are one of the few models in the game that Replace with other models when they die, and the only one with a three-stage replacement cycle. Hiring Leftovers means you get to see Leftovers, Bisections and Last Bites.

To balance this complexity, Bisections and Last Bites are not hirable on their own. This gives enemy players a way to counteract the flood of models by killing them in ways that do not spark their Demise Abilities. Transmortis players can also Summon in Bisections and Last Bites, which provides some interesting low-cost Summon options.

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In Experimental

In Experimental, Leftovers is a help piece to add to the Keyword’s Poison engine. Bloated Stench, Oozing Mass, and Accidental Roll Over all provide easy ways to stack Poison on enemy models. Oozing Mass is especially good as it gives models who fail the duel Poison +2. This makes it a great way to add a bit of extra Poison on friendly Experimental models without damaging them.

In addition to Poison synergies, Leftovers is a good way to get a few extra Corpse Markers on the table. A single Leftover model can turn into four Corpse Markers as models die. This is very helpful for Actions and Abilities like Desperate Plot, Twisted Genius or Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

In Transmortis

In Transmortis, Leftovers is unexpected and annoying. Outside of the Research Assistant, Transmortis is not known for their ability to apply Poison. For this reason, Leftovers is something that most players will not expect when Transmortis is declared, allowing Leftovers the opportunity to do a significant amount of damage with Poison pings.

Ping damage isn’t the only annoyance with the Leftovers. Futile Struggle and Rancid Smell provide defensive abilities for the Crew and make it harder for enemies to get away from Transmortis models. Punching Leftovers to remove these tarpit abilities from the table plays right into the Leftover’s strategy as it means Bloated Stench and Demise (Bisected) occur more often..


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In Experimental

In Experimental, Bisections continue the trend that Leftovers started. Bisections, like Leftovers, have Boated Stench and Oozing Mass to help pump out Poison. The biggest change is a switch to their damage output. Another Mouth to Feed on Leftovers makes way for Revolting Swipes. Bisections will generally deal less damage than Leftovers, but their Triggers make up for the change in maximum damage. In addition to built in Infect, Bisections have Throw Yer Arm at ‘Em which is great when paired with Desperate Plot.

In Transmortis

In Transmortis the biggest draw of Bisections is that they are another Minion that can be summoned with Recruitment Effort. Before Bisections existed the lowest cost Summon in Transmortis were Necropunks, which have a very different role than Bisections. Where Necropunks are solid scheme runners with Entropy, Bisections are better beaters thanks to a higher damage track. A Summoned Bisection is also a good way to weaken an opponent with a combination of Stunned via Lecture Notes and hand destruction with Touch of Madness.

Last Bite

Malifaux Fleshy 4

In Experimental

Last Bites are the final Replace in the Leftovers cycle. These tiny minions are pretty simple as expected from their cost. Don’t let their cost fool you, they still have a lot of value. In Experimental, they’re great little Poison turrets thanks to Projectile Vomit. It may not hit that often, but when it does it can splash Poison and Distracted across a large swath of enemies.

Outside of spitting Poison, Last Bites are interesting for their unique See No Evil Action, which stops enemies from Interacting or counting towards Schemes and Strategies. See No Evil is powerful enough that enemy models will spend precious AP removing Last Bite models from the table.

In Transmortis

In Transmortis, Last Bites are a very cheap Summonable model. Their Cost of 2 allows a Transmortis player to Summon off of nearly any killed enemy model. When Last Bites appear on the table, they’re most useful as a distraction piece, either by putting out Conditions with Projectile Vomit or by messing up enemy interactions via See No Evil.

Possibly their most useful role in Transmortis is that they add to the denial aspect of the keyword along with Anna Lovelace. She has both Gravity Well and Hostile Work Environment to sabotage enemy plans. Combining her Abilities with the Last Bite’s See No Evil Action and an opponent’s Crew can quickly find themselves without any good actions or options. Speaking of Anna Lovelace, Last Bites are perfect targets for her Remote Detonator Action, either to free up New Student Upgrades, or to damage enemies.

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That’s all for this week, Wyrdos! Fleshy Residuum is out soon, so contact your local game store or the Wyrd webstore to get your copy. If you’ve got plans on how to include this horrific spread in your Malifaux crews, let us know on our digital spaces!


Quelle: Wyrd Games


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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