Last Sword Miniatures: The Dwarven Kings & Gladiators
Bei Last Sword Miniatures geht es diesen Monat unter anderem in die Arena.
January 2025: From the Dwarven Halls to the Roman Arena
Welcome to this month’s release! In January 2025, we bring you the strength and tradition of the Dwarves alongside the intensity and glory of Roman combat. From the majestic Dwarven realms to the fiery sands of the arena, each miniature tells a unique story, rich in detail and crafted to inspire epic adventures.
The Bannerman Tier: The Dwarven Kings
This month, the Dwarves rise with a collection that blends Roman-Germanic inspirations and their iconic boar totem. These figures showcase the pride, power, and unshakable traditions of this noble race.
The King on Throne
Carried by his most loyal retainers, the Dwarven King sits atop a majestic throne adorned with boar motifs and ancient runes. This is the pinnacle of Dwarven leadership and authority.
The King on Foot
Marching at the forefront of his army, this mighty king wields a runic hammer, embodying the strength and determination of his people.
The Heir on the Oathstone
Dressed in his father’s armor, this young Dwarf stands upon the Oathstone, ready to embrace his destiny. A solemn moment captured in stunning detail.
The Runic Anvil and the Runesmith
This sacred artifact, engraved with glowing runes, is protected by a master Runesmith. Clad in ceremonial robes, he channels ancient powers through the anvil, a central piece in both battle and ritual.
The Runic Priest on Foot
Carrying a staff engraved with runes and the boar totem, this priest serves as a conduit for the ancestral powers of the Dwarves, guiding their armies
The Royal Guard
Armed with mighty hammer-axes, the Royal Guard is the elite defense of the king. Their armor, adorned with runic symbols, speaks of their unwavering loyalty and strength.
Dwarven Warriors
The backbone of any Dwarven army, these warriors come equipped with versatile armament options: spears, shields, swords, and dual weapons. Disciplined and reliable, they form the foundation of every battle formation.
to victory.
The Adventurer Tier: Gladiators and Arena
This month’s Adventurer Tier takes you back to the spectacle of ancient Rome. With a beautifully detailed arena and 12 unique gladiators, you’ll experience the drama, intensity, and glory of the Colosseum.
The Arena
This grand amphitheater, complete with towering gates and intricate decorations, serves as the perfect stage for legendary battles. Every detail captures the majesty of Roman arenas.
The Gladiators
Equipped with a rectangular shield and a decorated helmet, the Murmillo represents strength and endurance in combat.
Another pose of the Murmillo, showcasing his defensive stance and readiness to face any foe.
Light and agile, the Retiarius uses his net to ensnare enemies while his trident delivers precise, deadly strikes.
In a dynamic pose, this Retiarius appears ready to strike, using his speed and strategy to outmaneuver his opponents.
With his closed helmet and decorated shield, the Provocator embodies the honor and discipline of the Roman arena.
The Samnite gladiator, inspired by one of the earliest styles of Roman combatants, wields a sword and shield with expertise. His ornate armor and crested helmet are a nod to the traditions of the ancient Samnite warriors, blending agility and resilience in the arena.
With a crested helmet and curved sica, the Thraex is a quick and cunning fighter.
Armed with a spear and round shield, the Hoplomachus pays homage to Greek warriors while maintaining Roman flair.
This Thraex is captured mid-attack, highlighting his offensive prowess and precision.
This version of the Dimachaerus exudes ferocity, with both swords raised and ready to strike. His dynamic stance emphasizes his dual-wielding combat style, making him a relentless opponent in the arena.
With a unique weapon and reinforced arm protection, the Scissor brings an unconventional and deadly style to the arena.
The Secutor, with his streamlined helmet and large shield, is designed for endurance and pursuit. His equipment provides protection while allowing for quick, relentless attacks, making him a formidable adversary, especially against lighter opponents like the Retiarius.
From the sacred halls of the Dwarves to the roaring cheers of the Roman Colosseum, these collections are a testament to your support and passion. You are the heart of this project, and it’s thanks to you that we can bring these worlds to life.
Remember, file distribution takes place between the 20th and 25th of each month. Should you encounter any issues with files from the previous month, please reach out to us at
Thank you for being a part of this epic journey. May these miniatures inspire countless stories on your gaming tables!
Let me know if you’d like to refine anything further!
Eine gelungene Neuinterpretation für Zwerge, die nicht so breit daherkommen wie die GW-Stumpen, sondern ziemlich realistisch proportioniert wirken. Mir gefallen die gut.
Auch der Gladiatorenaufstand a la Spartacus hat was.
Beide Reihen sind tolle Designs.
Ich bin nur bedingt Experte für Gladiatoren, da ich während meines Archäologiestudiums nur sporadisch mit diesen zu tun hatte und die Fachlektüre zu Hause nur in Teilen gelesen habe, daher muss meine Aussage nicht 100% korrekt sein. Ich würde aber sagen, dass man sich durchaus mehr Mühe bei der historisch-korrekten Darstellung der Gladiatoren hätte machen können.
Mir ist unklar, warum die beiden Murmillonis und der Samnite je eine pectorale tragen, wieso ein Retiarius einen Helm bekommen kann und wieso das Schild des Thrakers nicht quadratisch ist. Auch, dass der Scissor keine Helm hat, macht wenig bis keinen Sinn. Am schlimmsten sind jedoch die Sandalen, die der erste Murmillo trägt.
Dass man sich generell um historische Akkuratesse bemüht hat, macht die ansonsten schon gelungene Darstellung deutlich, umso mehr verwirren diese leicht vermeidbaren Fehler. Letztlich hat man so zwar nette Hollywood-Gladiatoren, was vielleicht auch gewollt war. Etwas schade finde ich es dennoch.
Die Zwerge sind echt gut geworden und ziemlich detailliert. Auch wenn ich persönlich eher den „heroic“-Look bei Zwergen mag. Aber trotzdem: nice! 🙂