von BK-Jonah | 25.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Kromlech: Firstborn Regiment Guardsmen

Kromlech weiten ihre Imperiums-Range weiter aus.

Firstborn Regiment – Guardsmen of the Empire of Suns

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Release 1

Kromlech is excited to announce the fourth installment in our Guardsmen of the Empire of Suns series – the Firstborn Regiment! These new products bring a fresh and powerful addition to our growing line of 28 mm-scale miniatures. Perfect for tabletop wargaming enthusiasts, the Firstborn Regiment is a rugged, resilient force, forged in the cold and harsh environment of their homeworld.

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Release 2

The Story Behind the Firstborn

The Firstborn Regiment’s origins trace back to a time long ago, on a frigid, snow-covered planet located near humanity’s homeworld. It was here that the first successful Colony was established outside the cradle of humanity. The people of this Colony, enduring the planet’s harsh winters, became known as the Firstborn – a group of tough, battle-hardened warriors who are as unforgiving as the world they inhabit. These soldiers have been shaped by their icy home, and their design, equipment, and tactics are perfectly suited for operating in winter conditions.

What’s Included in the Firstborn Regiment Release?

This exciting release includes a wide range of high-quality resin miniatures and bits, all designed to capture the toughness and resilience of the Firstborn. The formula is the same as with the previous Guardsmen factions such as Desert Raiders, Trench Korps, and Solar Cohorts. Whether you’re looking to bolster your existing forces or start a new army, this release has everything you need.

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Release 3


Firstborn Regiment Command Squad – 33.99€

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Command Squad 1

Lead your forces with authority, featuring commanders and specialists designed to inspire and direct your troops in even the harshest of conditions.

Firstborn Regiment Infantry Squad – 33.99€

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Infantry Squad 1

A complete squad of Firstborn Infantry, ready to take on any challenge. Tough and disciplined, these soldiers are the backbone of your army.

Firstborn Regiment Heavy Weapons Squad – 34.99€

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Heavy Weapons Squad

When it’s time to unleash devastating firepower, this heavy weapons squad has the tools for the job. Prepare your Firstborn forces for an all-out battle.

Firstborn Regiment Field Laser Cannon – 24.99€

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Field Laser Cannon

Take out enemy targets with precision using the Field Laser Cannon, a powerful weapon designed for long-range engagement.

Firstborn Regiment Field Rocket Cannon – 24.99€

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Field Rocket Cannon

For devastating area damage, the Field Rocket Cannon is the perfect tool to lay waste to enemy formations.

Firstborn Regiment Field Artillery Cannon

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Field Artillery Cannon

A heavy-hitting artillery piece that will turn the tide of any battle with its thunderous shots.

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Release 4


Firstborn Regiment Guard Bodies – 16.99€

Kromlech Firstborn Regiment Guard Bodies

Arm your Guardsmen with highly detailed bodies designed for the icy, unforgiving battlefield. These bits will fit perfectly into your winter-themed armies.

Firstborn Regiment Guard Bare Heads – 8.99€

Kromlech Firstborn Regimen Guard Bare Heads

Add personality and variety to your squad with these bare heads, showing off the hardiness of the Firstborn soldiers.

Firstborn Regiment Guard Masked Heads – 8.99€

Kromlech Firstborn Regimen Guard Masked Heads

For a more uniform look or to add an extra layer of protection against the cold, these masked heads are the perfect addition.

All of these products are crafted from high-quality resin and are designed to fit the standard 28 mm scale. Whether you’re expanding your Empire of Suns forces or creating a brand-new army, the Firstborn Regiment will make a formidable addition to your collection.

Quelle: Kromlech


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • Ok, so eine Eiswelt ist kalt. Aber diese Trooper sehen doch ein wenig arg steif aus, selbst wenn es draußen was frisch ist.

    Gefallen mir leider gar nicht.

  • Ich frage mich immer wieder, wer auf die Idee gekommen ist, Kanoniere direkt hinter ein Rohr mit Rückstoss zu platzieren? Ok, vermutlich war es GW, aber warum macht das jeder nach?
    Der Typ hinter den Raketenwerfern wird sich nach der ersten Salve auch bedanken ….

  • Hm, nun ja. Vostroyaner für Arme. Leider, denn die Idee ist klasse, aber gerade die regulären Infanteristen sehen einfach nicht gut aus. Trotz dynamischer Posen wirken die irgendwie steif und gerade die Waffenhaltungen sehen merkwürdig aus. Schade.

  • Ich hab deutlich schönere firstborn und valhallans gesehen. Wie meine Vorredner:innen.

    Zu steif, falsche Proportionen (gerade der Sanitäter im hq trupp ist echt wild) und es fühlt sich an, als ob man da an den Proportionen von kopf, torso ind armen beim Druck nochmal nachjustieren muss.

  • Bissle alt backen.
    Da gibt es einfach zu viele bessere Alternativen.

    Selbst die alten GW Modelle sehen da besser aus und die sind old school.

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