Infinity: Ergebnisse des Malwettbewerbs
Corvus Belli präsentieren die Gewinner ihres letzten Malwettbewerbs.
Painting Contest
The second edition of our miniature painting contest is coming to an end.
We want to thank all of those who dedicated time to their minis with such great ideas and bringing innovative and original results. We congratulate you!
Unfortunately, we can’t award you all, so we had to work hard to choose a few winners.
Main awards
The members of the external jury, made up of Steven Garcia, Arnau Lazaro, Sergio Luque and David Strom, have made their votes and as a result we have these three selected pieces:
Third prize
Miniatures: Group of Yu Jing Miners in a scene at work
Painter: Axel_minis
Second prize
Miniatures: Mechazoid Sokorentai
Painter: MiniaturesdenFirst prize
Miniature: Duroc from Equipe Mirage
Painter: Masclans_miniatures
Special categories
As a novelty in this edition we included new thematic categories that have given a lot of play. Our internal jury formed by Corvus Belli staff, has chosen as winners the following pieces:
In this category, we are looking for the piece that best conveys a story and the essence of the Infinity universe. This scene shows the covert operations background that characterizes Infinity, with a Knight and a Ninja fighting over plans and secret information essential to their factions. – Fernando Liste
Miniatures: Diorama ‚Eclipse‘
Painter: Ahn Taejoon
In this category, where the colour scheme is judged, we decided on this Military Order group with a simple yet elegant design. The group photo is fantastic, and with its limited colour palette, it is the perfect example of less is more. – Fernando Liste
Miniatures: Gabriele de Fersen and 4 Knights Hospitaller
Painter: NoadkajooBakunin
Crazy or original ideas… We decided on this conversion of an old Kum motorcycle into a hovercraft using parts taken from remotes.We thought it was great! – Fernando Liste
Miniatures: Kitbashed Nomad Gopod
Painter: D. House
The choice for the best conversion was a close one, but the final choice was this fantastic Stygmata from another era. Potentially a fair opponent for Joan of Arc. – Fernando Liste
Miniatures: Stigmata of the Observance
Painter: NatalySkirmisher
The terrain prepared for this surprise attack was the most spectacular for us, with its different levels, textures and vegetation. A little piece of Paradiso that arrives on a postcard from the front. – Fernando Liste
Miniatures: Tikbalangs, Armored Chasseurs of Acontecimento
Painter: Ph3lan’s MiniaturesGamer
The technical quality of the painting and a perfect colour scheme for the faction it represents left no doubt when making the choice. – Fernando Liste
Miniatures: Group of Yu Jing Miners in a scene at work
Painter: Axel_minis
Corvus Belli Special Mention
We would like to make a special mention of this vignette of the hacker Uhahu, as it made us feel totally immersed within the Infinity universe, not on the battlefield, but in the deepest part of our science fiction setting. – Fernando Liste
*Special mention from the Corvus Belli judges, with a prize of €300.00.
Miniatures: Uhahu from Infinity Aftermath
Painter: Matadero40kAnd here are the winners of the prizes awarded by the jury.
Tomorrow we are publishing the 9 pieces selected for the People’s Choice Award. This award will be chosen by public vote through iInstagram. The piece with the most votes on February 26 will be the winner.
See you tomorrow on instagram.
Quelle: Corvus Belli
Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Schöne Bemalungen. Mein Favorit ist die alte zur Nomads Pilotin umfunktionierte Kum- Bikerin
Wirklich sehr schöne Modelle dabei. Mir gefallen sie alle und ich möchte nicht in der Jury sitzen.
Und der 40K TAG 😉
Ist der nicht eh schon jeden Tag?
Duck und wech.
Wow! Richtig tolle Paintjobs.
Weiß jemand was für eine Yu Jing Mini das beim dritten Platz mit den Raketenkapseln auf dem Rücken ist? Oder was hier umgebaut wurde?
Das schon ein Umbau die Raketen sollten die vom Aleph missle bot und der Grundkörper müsste ein HaeTae sei.
Die Pistole in der rechten Hand sollte vom Haqqislam Al Fasid sein.
Aah! Jetzt sehe ich es. Hatte den Haetae für größer gehalten. Danke.