von bkredaktion | 03.03.2025 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Mondwahn-Gits

Kommenden Samstag fallen Die grünhäutigen Horden der Mondwahn-Gits wieder über die Reiche der Sterblichen herein, außerdem gibt es noch eine neue Ausgabe des White Dwarf Magazins.

Sunday Preview – The Gitmob gallop into the fray

What’s that unnaturally bright and baleful ball of brilliance hanging in the sky, hurting our eyes and making a fool of that big, beautiful moon we all love so much? Why it’s the Glareface Frazzlegit, and racing after it are the raucous rabble known as the Gitmob. The latest addition to the ranks of Gloomspite Gitz are getting ready to throw the Mortal Realms into disarray with their second wave of releases.

Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 1

Wherever the Bad Moon careens around the Mortal Realms, it is followed by the Gloomspite Gitz, fevered, cunning and craven little creatures who wreak havoc upon all in their path. With Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz these mad-capped mildewed maniacs are joined by the Gitmobs, wolf-riding grots who have a bone to pick with the radiant Glareface Frazzlegit. This new book collects rules and warscrolls for the Gloomspite Gitz with background, Battle Traits, Battle Formations, Heroic Traits, Artefacts of Power, plus Spell and Manifestation Lores.

It also contains rules for a Gitmob-focused Spearhead, two Armies of Renown – one headed up by Droggz da Sunchompa and the other by Skragrott the Loonking, as well was Regiments of Renown, Path to Glory rules and an Anvil of Apotheosis for forging your own deeply cunnin’ git.

Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz (Gamer’s Edition)

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 2

Get all that juicy content in a more portable package with the Gamer’s Edition of Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz, featuring all of the same material in a smaller format. It comes with a full set of reference cards.

Droggz da Sunchompa

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 3

There are many fierce leaders in the Gitmobs, but none are as dominant as Droggz da Sunchompa. This corpulent grot rides into battle atop Jaggedsnarl, a wizened Snarlfang who has outlived many masters over his long life. They are framed by the radiant sunmetal banner known as Da Frazzlefangz which blinds his enemies with flashes of light, leaving him able to cave heads in with the Da Metal Toof, a war-pick made from a chunk of meteor.

Snarlboss and Wolfgit Retinue

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 4

Snarlbosses are bold enough to have captured an Alpha Snarlfang as their mount. They lead the Gitmobs into battle with handpicked Wolfgit Retinues, who harry flanks with keenly aimed arrows.

Snarlboss on War-Wheela

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 5 Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 6

The Gitmob hordes rattle into battle in chariots emblazoned with the visage of the Glareface Frazzlegit. Snarlbosses ride the most ostentatious of these chariots, which are known as War-Wheelas, getting an extra risky burst of speed when the crew ignites jars of loondust. This plastic kit can also be built as a Frazzlegit Shaman on War-wheela, a gibbering shaman who summons scorching magic from atop a totem.

Sunsteala Wheelas

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Built from lightweight wicker frames and equipped with gruesome curved slicers, Sunsteala Wheelas are a rapid method of conveyance for the Gitmob grots. This plastic kit builds two Sunsteala Wheelas that can be customised with all manner of grots and gubbins.

Snarlpack Cavalry

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Giant Snalrfangs are so big that they can be ridden into battle by two grots armed with skewas m infused with the power of Hysh. As long as the riders can convince these ornery beasts they are in charge, they can continue to tear through enemy ranks with reckless abandon. This plastic kit makes three Snarlfang Cavalry with interchangeable heads.

Doom Diver Catapult

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 9

Only grots could have the misplaced confidence to wear wings, stick an explosive helmet to their heads, and get flung through the sky to perform long-range ordnance strikes. Most pilots are too concerned about the kicking they’ll get from their boss to think about what will happen after their brief trip through the air comes to an abrupt and zterminal halt.

Gloomspite Gitz Dice Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 10

Receive the benediction of the Bad Moon with this set of 16 Gloomspite Gitz dice. They are coloured yellow with black ink, and featuring the visage of the Bad Moon on the six face.

White Dwarf 510

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Gitmob Gallop Into The Fray 11

Issue 510 of White Dwarf is on its way, and the focus of this issue is firmly on the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game™ – which has just entered a brand new edition. There’s a battle report, an analysis of the new edition, and an in-depth look at the new miniatures that come with The War of the Rohirrim™ – Battle of Edoras™ boxed set.

For Warhammer 40,000 there’s the first part of a deep dive into the design of the Aeldari, accompanied by a Combat Patrol for the Harlequins, and an exciting new way to play Aspects of War, which is supported by a set of 10 new stratagem cards.

The Orruk Warclans are the focus of this month’s Age of Sigmar content with a new Flashpoint article and Army of Renown. On top of that there’s pages of great Warhammer hobby articles, and the final part of the Tatters of Hope serial by William Crowe, and a brief look at how one Black LIbrary editor made the characters from existing minis.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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    • Interessant ist, dass zumindest ich nicht weiß ob wow positiv oder negativ gemeint ist. Und welches Modell welches Prädikat verdient. 😀 ich mag etwa den alten mehr… sofort erkennbar, was dargestellt ist, in einer Art designed, die es auch gelingt ohne Schaden zu transportieren, relativ wenig Zinn.. gute Sache. Der neue? Lustig und cool. Aber sicherlich 55€, allein 4 bruchpunkte und zumindest für mich nicht klar transportierbar. Wow indeed.

      Auch ansonsten ein komischer Release. 6miniaturen die quasi Klone sind, ist jetzt eine Armee.. Soso. Hätten die die underworld Bände dazugepackt hätte es wenigstens nach etwas ausgesehen. Okay gut ist offtopic, da alt.

  • Hm, immer noch keine zweite Welle für die Hochelfen von ToW. War die erste Runde damit vielleicht ein Schnellschuss von GW? BzW. wurden die vorgezogen, um einen Releaseslot zu füllen?

    Die neuen AoS Gobbos finde ich jedenfalls klasse. Die Beliebtheit scheint aber auf einem anderen Blatt zu stehen, denn das Armeeset, in dem man die Streitwagen, Doppel-Wolfsreiter und den besonderen Boss plus Battletome zu einem guten Discount bekommt, ist aktuell immer noch gut verfügbar.

    • Könnte ja auch dran liegen, dass es ein extrem unattraktives Angebot war. Aber ja darkoath bekommt man auch noch. Auch da vmtl weil es ein mieser Deal war, so kurz vorm editionswechsel

  • Was mich wundert das die neue spearhead-Box ( die alte underworld Bande zu Wolf , 2x 3er große wolfseinheit und zwei streitwagen) nicht mit angekündigt wurde , so wirkt die Welle für die gloomspite gits noch nicht abgeschlossen 🤔

  • Die Modelle sind ganz cool, keine Frage, aber am Katapult sieht man, was mir an vielen aktuellen Modellen von GW nicht gefällt – es sieht ein bisschen nach „Actionfigur-Spielzeug“ aus.

    Klar, das alte Modell ist kleiner und schlichter, weckt einen solchen Eindruck aber nicht.

  • Für mich -so dumm es sich auch liest- sind die ganzen neuen Goblins zu „realistisch“. Alle schauen böse, ein Haufen Rüstung und Felle dran, riesige Reittiere mit passenden Sätteln. Mir fehlt da einfach der lustige Einschlag.

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