von BK-Bob | 22.03.2025 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Ghamak: März Patreon

Diesen Monat gibt es unter anderem einen Steppen Ork auf Drachen bei Ghamak.

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This month, Ghamak is unleashing a tidal wave of destruction and glory for your tabletop armies. Whether you’re a defender of light or a herald of chaos, March has something to wreck with.


🛡️ Dwarven Kingdoms

  • Lord on Goat Chariot: Barrel through enemy lines with armored goats and a dwarf lord swinging a rune-forged weapon.
  • Berzerker Dragon Slayer: A half-naked, tattooed madman with runed axe – perfect for hunting scaled monstrosities.
  • Dwarf Lord: A stone-faced commander in gilded armor, ready to lead your throng to victory.

🌸 Akai Shogunate

  • Naginata Samurai: Graceful but deadly warriors with polearms that slice like moonlight.
  • Mounted Ashigaru: Light cavalry armed with curved blades, ideal for flanking and ambushes.

🐗 Orcs of the Howling Steppes

  • Orcs on Wild Boars Chariot: Tusked boars drag a ramshackle death-machine crewed by cackling orcs.
  • Grey Waste Orc Lord on Wyvern: A wyvern-riding warlord with interchangeable heads and bases. Fear incarnate.


⚜️ Knights of the Temple

  • Sanctified Crusaders: A trio of zealots with energy shields and plasma blades. Faith will purge the unclean.
  • Lord of the Temple Exterminator: Clad in relic armor, he wields a pure rage.
    Heretics meet your end.

🤖 Titans

  • Guardian Titan: A towering protector with a quantum shield and star-forged glaive. Humanity’s last hope.

💀 Heretic Titans

  • Impaler Titan: A biomechanical nightmare fused with cursed tech. Its axe feasts on souls.

☣️ Corrupted Guard

  • Fell Strike Squad: Corrupted soldiers . Perfect for stealth… or slaughter.

⚔️ Heretic Knights

  • Exterminator Warlord: A chaos-bound knight born to rule! Glory to the dark forge!

🛡️ Freedom Guard

  • Heavy Grenadiers Devastators: Power-armored brutes with haevy weapons. “Collateral damage” is their middle name.

Quelle: Ghamak bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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