von BK-Rafael | 23.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Postapokalypse

Fallout: Megasloth, Snallygasters und Wasteland Wildlife

Modiphius präsentieren ihren Fallout Friday.

Fallout Feb21 01

Fallout Friday

We had a terrifying start to the new year with January’s Fallout releases like Floaters and Radtoads but now we are ready to get WILD with this month’s lineup. Button up your best Cryptid Hunter outfit and get ready for teeth, fur, and claws!

Things are getting WILD!

Fallout Feb21 02

The (mostly) gentle Megasloth prefers to spend its days roaming through the dilapidated trees of the West Virginia Hills but is a fearsome foe when provoked!


Fallout Feb21 03

The first stable creature to ever be mutated by FEV is all eyes, teeth, and arms! If one of its six limbs doesn’t crush you, it’s wicked tongue just might!

Wasteland Wildlife Rules Packet (Free PDF)

Fallout Feb21 04 Fallout Feb21 05 Fallout Feb21 06

The FREE Wasteland Wildlife Rules Packet not only gives you rules for the newly released Megasloth and Snallygasters but it also comes with new Weapon and Item Cards, Regional Rules Table, and a new Scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare- Creature Feature! In this new scenario the Cryptid Hunters are hired to hunt down some dangerous Cryptids and gather samples as proof of their expedition.


Also make sure to check out our new Print on Demand service with Forgefire where you can get all the Wave 10 card packs professionally printed straight to your door!
Coming Soon!

Fallout: Factions Core Rulebook

Fallout Feb21 07

You’ve played Fallout: Factions – ‘Battle for Nuka-World’ the Starter Set. Now get ready for more battles and mayhem with the Fallout: Factions Core Rulebook which will expand on the rules from the Starter Set. It features official rules for Super Mutants, Survivors, Brotherhood of Steel, and Raiders as well as new rules and scenarios for you to battle it out to be the ruling faction of the wastes! Available for preorder later this month!


Fallout Feb21 08

The Sheepsquatch was terrorizing the hills of Appalachia long before the Great War. This larger than man sized bipedal stomping sheep will have you running in terror, but can you outrun his poisoned quills? Expected release date is March 2025!

Pylon Ambush Scenic Set

Fallout Feb21 09

Last month I teased you a bit with the release of the deadly Assaultron Imposter Sheepsquatch. How many of you guessed this would be a Scenic Set box? Not only will you get Aries, the famous cryptid expert, and an Imposter Sheepsquatch, but you will also get 2 resin bases AND a new Scenic Base! What option will you choose to display this deadly duo on?

Watch it played!

Play on Tabletop (Brotherhood of Steel) VS WGNR (Super Mutants)

Watch Play on Tabletop play as the Brootherhood of Steel against Wargames News Radio as the Supermutant in this epic battle with Fallout: Factions!

Hack Recklessly plays Fallout: The Roleplaying Game

Fallout Feb21 10

Watch Zak, RJ, Danae, Ian, Sean, Danny, and Overseer LB on March 2nd 8pm EST as they take on the wasteland that was once the city of Detroit!


Painter Spotlight!

Fallout Feb21 11
Helstein_Miniatures T-45 Power Armor


Fallout Feb21 12
Marc.Tippler Deathclaw Matriarch


That’s all for now. See you next time Wastelanders!


Quelle: Modiphius


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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