Diceverse: Heretic Naval Raiders
Diceverse bietet auf seinem Patreon eine Raiding Party für die Heretic Legion an.
March Release: Part 1 – Heretic Naval Raiders (Available!)
Heya my fellow Trenchers!
I’ve been working almost around the clock bringing you Trenchers this kit! I’m very happy with it, and hope everbody will be as satisfied as me! The Heretic Naval Raiders kit is finally here! I made it as modular as I could, and it kinda got out of hand (in scope). So it is a VERY large release, I think there is something like 70-80 components inside there!
Kit in pictures (all the parts are not in the pictures – pictures do not include empty hands / extra shield variants etc.) :
The idea is that you can match different leg, head and hand variations, and create whatever unique variants you want! There are also plenty of head options with small and large rebreathers, so you should definitely be able to create very unique troopers of your liking for your warband.
The hands are also designed so, that they actually go together with the official Trench Crusade Heretic Troopers kit. And the arms from the Troopers kit also fit this. So you can physically kit bash if you want to! T
his was my first kit of this scope, and I have to admit it took longer than I anticipated. Probably because I wanted to make it so very modular and multi-part. But in the end, it should definitely be a great start for a Naval Raiding Party.
I just shared this to everyone (Tribers and Patreons), so you should have it now in your MMF library! If it does not show, just log in and out again / wait 15 minutes or so.
What is still coming?
As this kit became such a HUGE release, it will be the only miniature release for this month. I will next start working on the armored train!
What is coming next month? I will start alternating releases between TRENCH GHOSTS and NAVAL RAIDERS – So next month will be the first release for my Trench Ghost range! Then after next month it is again Naval Raiders turn etc. etc.
Why such a system, instead of just pushing one theme from zero to finished?
I pondered and had a chat with everybody on Discord, and I think this will be the most fair way to make releases. In this way people don’t have to wait long time if they are not interested in some certain theme. Otherwise if I just focus on a single theme uninterested people will just jump ship. Which of course I do not want, as I need to bring bread to the table. 😀
Next months terrain theme will be voted during the last week of this month!
Thank everyone for your patience on the first release! And thank you for your support, it means the world to me! 🙂
Also join the Discord if you haven’t yet done it! There you can follow my work and progress „LIVE“
– Antti / Diceverse
Quelle: Diceverse bei Patreon