von BK-Jonah | 27.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Crooked Dice: März Neuheiten

Crooked Dice haben ihre März-Neuheiten etwas verfrüht schon jetzt veröffentlicht.

NEW RELEASES+++ We are going to be busy at Hammerhead this weekend (and playtesting next week), so next month’s releases are out a bit early! IN STORE NOW…

We eight galactic Explorers, six Tcho-Tcho and three classic Secret Base resin terrain kits! Figures are available as singles and in the usual deals. These will all available at the show this weekend too!

Galactic Explorers 1 – €22,95

Crooked Dice März Neuheiten 1

Break free from the type-casting and fan conventions – and take off on a quest to defend the galaxy! Never retreat! Never surrender!

Sculpted by Ari Níelsson. Cast in white metal. Painted for display by Mystic Spirals. Supplied unpainted and with a 25mm slottabase.

Galactic Explorers 2 – €22,95

Crooked Dice März Neuheiten 2

Break free from the type-casting and fan conventions – and take off on a quest to defend the galaxy! Never retreat! Never surrender!

Sculpted by Ari Níelsson. Cast in white metal. Painted for display by Mystic Spirals. Supplied unpainted and with a 25mm slottabase.

Tcho-Tcho – €24,95

Crooked Dice März Neuheiten 3

These diminutive devils have travelled far from their remote island homes to civilisation. They have no doubt stowed away on a tramp streamer or been smuggled into the country for study, by a curious academic eager to learn the secrets of the ‚Sorcerer Men of Leng‘.

Now these corpse-eaters have gained a foothold in the seedy underbelly of the big city. They have formed their own criminal gangs, whose enterprises generates ‚tributes‘ to the Great Old Ones they worship… and draw their true power.

Six models in deal. Sculpted by Iain Colwell. Cast in white metal. Painted for display by Simon Bradley. Supplied unpainted with a 25mm slottabase.

Bank Vault – €30,95

Crooked Dice März Neuheiten 4

Protect your valuables, or attempt to steal them from, this secure bank vault.

This kit contains nine pieces: vault door (three parts), safety deposit boxes, teller counter, small safe, large safe, filing cabinet and manager’s desk.

Cast in resin and supplied unpainted. Sculpted by Richard Kemp. Figures and trolley not included. Painted for display by Kevin Dallimore.

Medical Room – €18,95

Crooked Dice März Neuheiten 5

Deep in your volcano lair, you can kick back in this state-of-the-art medical examination room and test the health of your minions or patch-up your agents.

This kit contains six pieces: single sink unit, double sink unit, large cabinet, workbench, monitoring unit and examination bed (two parts).

Cast in resin and supplied unpainted. Sculpted by Richard Kemp.

Laboratory – €22,95 EUR

Crooked Dice März Neuheiten 6

Deep in your volcano lair, you can kick back in this state-of-the-art medical examination room and test the health of your minions or patch-up your agents.

This kit contains six pieces: single sink unit, double sink unit, large cabinet, workbench, monitoring unit and examination bed (two parts).

Cast in resin and supplied unpainted. Sculpted by Richard Kemp.

Quelle: Crooked Dice auf Facebook


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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