von BK-Jonah | 11.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: Conquest

Conquest: Neue Fraktion der Yoroni in der Vorbestellung

Kürzlich erst von Para Bellum auf Twitch vorgestellt sind sie schon jetzt vorzubestellen: Conquests neunte Fraktion der Yoroni.

Die Yoroni sollen Ende April erscheinen. Hier seht ihr die ersten Kits aus den aktuellen Vorbestellungen.

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 1

Conquest: Yoroni Vorbestellungen

Domaru Jinsei – $49.99

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 2


While technically immortal spirits, the destruction of a Yoroni’s form is still a terrible fate for they are cast once more into the elemental hells, a traumatic ordeal which can well cost these proud spirits their precious enlightenment and power, meaning it can take centuries for them to ascend back into the Prime Domain.

The Onmyoji have found a way to accelerate this process for the greatest warriors of the Yoroni. By recovering their armor and inscribing their true name, these ancient warriors can once more take to the field of battle, aiding their incarnated allies while earning Enlightenment and merit which accelerates their ascension.

Truly immortal and fearing nothing, the wisp-like remnants of these warriors have no fear and routinely sacrifice themselves for their peers, saving lives and earning greater merit, accelerating their Enlightenment.

How they Play:

Animated suits of armor, the Domaru Jinsei – Void (Ku) – are an important piece of the Yoroni Army List puzzle allowing for your Regiments to see through them while being concealed away from the Enemy’s Line of Sight. Cheap and expendable, the Domaru Jinsei allows you to initiate trades on your own terms protecting the more powerful and expensive Yoroni Regiments.

Kappa Bushi – $49.99

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 3


Embracing the flowing and adaptable teachings of their realm, the Kappa Bushi are spiritual warriors, seeking to become one with the Prime Realm and its souls. Their ceaseless efforts to understand the unified nature of the Prime and their own adaptable nature have allowed these warrior ascetics the ability to temporarily embrace the Epiphanies of the other realms, making them some of the most feared and versatile warriors in the Domains. Channeling their Enlightenment to suit the situation these versatile warriors can adapt their fighting style, whether it is sweeping away the foe, or resisting his attacks until relief arrives.

How they Play:

Disciplined and highly adaptable, the Kappa Bushi – Adaptability (Sui) – excel in Yoroni Army lists where a number of different Ideal Card types are being employed. As troops they offer a solid amount of high quality attacks making them ideal troops for mixed Regiments. As Regiment Leaders however, they can be affected by any Ideal Card type making them an incredibly versatile and customizable Regiment!

Kitsune Bakasu/Kitsune Onmyoji (Dual Kit) – $29.99

Kitsune Bakasu

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 4


Those Kitsune who embrace the spirit of water over the capricious nature of the wind are the closest the Yoroni have to a priesthood. Embracing the art of Kotodama, the power of names, these serene figures seek to allow those Yoroni who possess the enlightenment but lack the power to part the veil to do so through the inscription of their name. The more powerful the spirit, the more sturdy and lasting the summoning.

For the least of them, the innumerable souls broken too far by the travails of the elemental hells, an incantation of their name allows them to peer into the prime Domain and make their presence felt, empowering allies and hexing foes as they manifest themselves making these figures much sought after on the field of battle, where one incantation can doom an enemy to misfortune or propel an ally into glory.

How they Play:

A Trickster and master of ambush, the Kitsune exemplifies the ideals of Unfettered Winds (Kaze), allowing your troops to quickly navigate the battlefield and get in position. As an ambusher, the Kitsune Bakasu enhances the Unfettered (Kaze) Ideal Cards and provides access to mobility and maneuverability-themed Yoroni Disciplines. As Yoroni Characters share their Ideal Cards’ effects with the Regiment they are attached to, make sure to experiment and attach the Daimyo to Regiments of other Ideals as well, allowing for a ton of customization and options!

Kitsune Onmoyji

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 5


Among the Yoroni there exist those exemplary individuals who have transcended their origins and have internalized the lessons of more than one realm. Kitsune are amongst the most visible of these rare individuals, beings of mist and dream born of the unfettered winds and tranquil waters of the Reikai.

Kitsune Bakasu are most comfortable with the unfettered nature of the wind, allowing these capricious and mischievous spirits to change forms and strike from unseen angles, placing themselves in pivotal roles time and time again. For these consummate artists, the battlefield is but another place where they can express the drama of the sudden betrayal or catastrophic luck, with themselves as the embodiment of it to their foes.

How they Play:

A powerful Spellcaster, the Kitsune Onmyoji trades direct damage potential for a toolkit of enhancements and hexes that slow down Enemy Regiments – protecting friendly Yoroni Regiments as they move up the battlefield.

As a support Spellcaster, the Kitsune Onmyoji enhances the Adaptability (Sui) Ideal Cards and provides access to protection and mutability-themed Yoroni Disciplines. Yoroni Characters are to share their Ideal Cards’ effects with their attached Regiment, making sure to experiment and attach the Daimyo to Regiments of other Ideals as well, allowing for a ton of customization and options!

Kami Akuma – $49.99

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 6


What is the point of power if it is not exercised? Kami who follow the path of the Akuma revel in the power their realm has granted their swollen forms. Capable of consuming unfathomable amounts of food and drink, especially drink, and wading into combat with no regard for the blades of their foes, Kami are equally likely to engage in either. Slow and ponderous, their powerful bodies can shrug off the blows of their foe as they assert their dominance of the field, dominating their foes with crushing ease.

How they Play:

Steadfast and highly resilient, the Kami Akuma – Resistance (Chi) – is the premier Yoroni Regiment for capturing a point on the battlefield and keeping it no matter what. As troops, they offer considerable sustained damage; as Regiment leaders, however, they elevate their Regiment’s defensive stats, making them a true wall.

Tengu Akuma/Tengu Bushi (Dual Kit) – $49.99

Tengu Akuma

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 7


Examplifying the capriciousness and savagery of their unbridled realm, the Tengu Akuma have given in to their predatory instincts. The thrill of the hunt and the confirmation of their own skill is what drives these fearsome marksmen.

Sometimes travelling in flocks, sometimes travelling alone, these terrifying incarnations of the winds merciless nature live the life of the bandit, taking what they want from whom they want, much like other Akuma.

How they Play:

Swift and deadly marksman, the Tengu Akuma – Unfettered (Kaze) – is your Stand of choice for a ranged Stand in the Yoroni roster. Able to quickly deploy and project impressive ranged force, the Tengu Akuma plays an important role at keeping early aggression at bay whilst supporting your main offensive from the flanks.

As troops they offer ranged power to all Regiments as Regiment Leaders however, they are able to transform their regiment to a real ranged harasser quickly deploying and gaining protection from enemy ranged attacks! Given their avian form when a Regiment is only composed of Tengu Bushi and Tengu Akuma Stands it also gains the Fly Special Rule!

Tengu Bushi

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 8


Fast, mercurial, precise and curious, the Tengu Bushi exemplify the virtues of their realm. Tempering their unparalleled swiftness and precision with the path of the Bushi, they have become the foremost swordsmen amongst the Yoroni.

Their light bodies dance on the wind as they deliver righteous slaughter against the foes of their lord, their skill such that they consider it a failure when the foes‘ blood touches them, let alone a blade.

How they Play:

Swift and deadly duelists, the Tengu Bushi – Unfettered (Kaze) – is your Regiment of choice when a battlefield situation requires you to get somewhere fast and cut through swathes of Enemy troops. As troops, they offer an impressive number of attacks that are capable of striking true at the weak points of even the thickest sets of armor.

As Regiment Leaders, they allow their Regiment to quickly deploy into combat, making sure that not even a Round is wasted! Given their avian form, when a Regiment is only composed of Tengu Bushi and Tengu Akuma Stands, it also gains the Fly Special Rule!

Oni Akuma – $49.99

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 9


Standing well over 7ft tall, the Oni are a terrifying sight to behold. Their powerful frames are capable of incredible feats of strength and savagery, matching the realm they were born from. While most of the time this explosive power is tamed behind the strict codes of the Bushi and its Enlightenment, those who follow the path of the Akuma care little for such restraints.

These powerful warriors have attained Paradise after an eternity of torment and sacrifice, and now revel in it. Their discipline has given way to impulsiveness, their strict code of honor become one of personal exploration and gratification. Their wild, untamed nature makes them a valuable asset on the field of battle where their savagery and aggression shine.

How they Play:

Powerful and lethal the Oni Akuma – Force (Ka) – will spring into action destroying all but the most steadfast defenders. As troops they offer a strong punch to any Regiment that contains one. As Regiment leaders they elevate the Regiment’s combat prowess providing some much needed additional attacks while offering a reliable Charge Distance.

Oyabun/Daimyo (Dual Kit) – $29.99


Conquest Yoroni Preorders 10


Establishing oneself as the leader among the Akuma takes a level of savagery, will and sheer ruthless cunning that very few can match. These local warlords command the loyalty of their troops through success and bribery, distributing plunder and largesse among their followers at the expense of whomever they wish.

Predatory and fickle, these oxymoronic individuals can be an ally one day and a foe the next. To their foes and followers their whims are ironclad rules and their prowess the only excuse they need to take what they will.

How they Play:

A tactician and unparalleled duelist, the Oyabun is Resistance (Chi) made manifest, acting as a stalwart anvil until the time is exactly right to strike back. As a tactician the Oyabun enhances Resistance (Chi) Ideal Cards and provides access to Resistance themed Yoroni Disciplines.

As Yoroni Characters share their Ideal Cards’ effects with the Regiment they are attached to make sure to experiment and attach the Daimyo to Regiment of other Ideals as well, allowing for a ton of customization and options!


Conquest Yoroni Preorders 11


Imagine the heights of perfection one must reach to establish his supremacy among immortal beings who dedicate themselves to enlightenment. Imagine the political acumen and etiquette this individual must possess to unite those who acknowledge no master.

While the path to the top within the Yoroni realms is fraught with dangers, those who reach its pinnacle are secure. Secure in their own excellence and the loyalty of their followers. If all else fails, secure of their own supernatural skill with the blade, which they often display to the crude and unworthy.

How they Play:

A powerful Warrior the Daimyo is the expression of Force (Ka) in its purest form. As a lethal close combat Character the Daimyo enhances Force (Ka) Ideal Cards and allows access to powerful Force themed Yoroni Disciplines.

As Yoroni Characters share their Ideal Cards’ effects with the Regiment they are attached to make sure to experiment and attach the Daimyo to Regiment of other Ideals as well, allowing for a ton of customization and options!

Kitsune Limited Preview Edition – $64.99

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 12

The Limited Edition Preview Kitsune can be used as either Kitsune Onmyoji or Bakasu in game play.

First Blood Cohort – $99.99

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 13

Your Yoroni Cohort comes with 11 models that get you approximately 1000 pts in First Blood Tournament Play, along with 11 Ideal Cards for the 5 Ideals, a Quick Start Guide for First Blood with Welcome Guide and Army List. The 11 models in the Cohort are 1 each of Kitsune Omoyoji, Oni Akuma, and Kappa Busha, 2 Tengu Bushi and 3 each Kami Akuma plus Domaru Jinsei.

How They Play:

Yoroni warband might have smaller model count compared to another warband of the same point, but they made that up with an elite stats-line and plenty of tricks down their sleeve to even their odds. How will the Yoroni fare against them?

Traditional armies bring a Command card for each Regiment and Character they muster on the field. When you draw their card from the Command Stack, you can activate that unit. Simple. The Yoroni Regiments and Characters on the other hand do not bring in Command Cards, but Ideal Cards which behave similar to Command Cards but with some key differences. First of all there are 5 Ideal Cards: Ka, representing Force, Chi representing Resistance, Kaze representing Unfettered, Sui representing Adaptability and Ku representing the Void. There are TWO key differences in how Ideal Cards Activate Regiments and Characters:

a) Any Ideal Card may Activate ANY Regiment, giving the Yoroni much more flexibility on the battlefield.

b) When the Ideal represented by the Card matches the IDEAL of the Unit it is activating (as described by its Army List entry), it grants that unit an additional ability that makes them perform way above their points cost.

As a result Yoroni are a very flexible force for a beginner to learn the game as they can activate any unit with any card, avoiding mistakes early. However as their expertise with the Command Stack grows, Yoroni players can begin trading this flexibility for power by matching the Ideal to that of the Unit they wish to activate, drawing further power from their already elite units.

Moreover, each character that you chose unlocks a certain combination of ability that further amplifies a certain chosen ideal. Bring plenty of Ka regiments into your warband and take advantage of Daimyo to further amplify their offensive power? Or you can bring multiple different ideal so that you can maintain that level of flexibility and unpredictability? These are just some of the ways you can build a Yoroni warband!

Two Player Starter Set – Yoroni vs W’adrhŭn – $199.99

Conquest Yoroni Preorders 14

The W’adrhŭn vs Yoroni is a great Starter Set for The Last Argument of Kings AND First Blood Play. This set comes with 2 Welcome Guides, 2 sets of Quick Start guides for both games, 2 Wood Conquest Measuring Tools, 2 Sets of 12 Die, all bases and stands, the Command and Ideal Cards needed for each army to start your deck, your assembly manuals, 2 Folded Paper Maps, and 3 stands of Models for each faction with a Character to lead them into battle. 2 players can start their Conquest from this box and expand their armies to their style of play!

How They Play:

Yoroni are your good-old elite brawler army ready to take any enemy head-on and survive the onslaught! However, they are not without their tricks – bringing two entirely new Faction Rule concepts to the game! Each Yoroni Character or Regiment belongs to one of five Types and brings an Ideal Card of that Type in the game. ANY Ideal Card however, can be used to Activate ANY Regiment or Character in the game.

Should an Ideal Card Activate a Regiment of the same type it also bestows additional abilities to it! Don’t be fooled! Although you can Activate everything with any Ideal Card – sequencing is important as only Regiments of the same Type benefit from the card’s effects. Choose the sequence of Activations very carefully as these effects are the difference between winning and losing the game!

Army List building works a bit differently as well! Yoroni also introduce the concept of Modular Regiments to Conquest TLAOK. When creating a Modular Regiment pick any Stands from the list in any combination as long as you define one as the Regiment’s Leader and at least half of the Stands are the same as the Leader Stand.“

Und auch die Sorcerer Kings bekommen eine Neuheit in der Vorbestellung: Das Founder’s Exclusive „Bound to the Elements“, das als Alternative für ein Charaktermodell eingesetzt werden kann, welches mit einer Verbesserung zum Brute-Elementarwesen aufgestiegen ist.

Founder’s Exclusive Bound to the Elements – $89.99

Conquest Sorcerer Kings Preorder

None can match the sheer elemental puissance of the Sorcerer Kings, much less so the mastery and power of one who has devoted themselves to their craft and element so much they begin to embody it. When bound to the elements, a sorcerer no longer needs the exacting motions and rare reagents of her kind, her bond with her Djinn and element are so strong that her voice, will and sorcerous knowledge are enough to impose her will upon the treacherous Domains.

Fear them who have transcended mortality and taken the first step upon the path of divinity! Each of these Founder’s Exclusive Resin Sculptures is a numbered edition of 777 pieces. This is available while the numbered edition lasts, and can play in the game as a Maharajah, Raj or Sorcerer. Comes with the spell cards as well that this can use in game play.

Quelle: Para Bellum


Conquest ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Taschengelddieb erhältlich.


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • Hat mich absolut überrascht das para-bellum eine bis dato unbekannte Fraktion aus den gut Zaubert, mega cooler move.

    Bin aber beruhigt das da meinerseits kein kaufreflex getriggert wird, aber die werden wieder EINIGE Spieler für conquest begeistern können.

  • Uff – das ist aber ein ganz schön seltsamer Zug. Aus dem kompletten Nichts eine gänzlich unverbundene Japano-Fraktion, finde ich schon wild. Irgendwie passt das für mich gar nicht in den Mix der anderen Gruppen. Auch das indische Thema der Zauberer fand ich schon befremdlich neben dem Rest.
    Eigentlich würden mir solche Oni schon zusagen, aber hier klickt’s bei mir gar nicht. Sind mir außerdem zu heterogen zwischen den Auswahlen.

    Hatte eigentlich mit der Höllenfraktion oder den Söldnern gerechnet, welche für die 8. Fraktion ausgestochen wurden.

  • Ich finde die sehr cool. Die erste Fraktion, deren Modelle mir qualitativ irgendwie gefallen, sofern sie dann hinterher auch so aussehen wie auf den hier gezeigten Bildern.

    Nur großes Monsterzeugs hieße auch, dass die Modellanzahl überschaubar ist, Conquest ist ja auch extrem überteuert.

      • Teure Modelle kosten oft nicht besonders viele Punkte im Spiel. Elitäre Infanterie ist der günstige Weg um eine Armee aufzubauen.

      • Achso ok das würde ich auch unterschreiben.

        Bei den wardhrun ist ein apex aber auch ein geiles centerpiece.
        Nichtsdestotrotz kann man auch prima ne Infanterie only Liste stellen.

  • Ich spiel kein Conquest, aber die Modelle und Optik find ich toll, vor allem die Lady mit den Füchsen würd ich als Bemalprojekt gut vorstellen können. dabei fällt mir ein, ich könnte mal wieder A Chinese Ghost Story gucken…

  • Hm, ich bin auch überrascht, denn damit wurden die Dreamer Courts – die Waldelfen-Variante des Conquest-Universums – einmal mehr für eine komplett unbekannte, neue Fraktion verschoben.

    Jetzt also die „japanische Mosnter und Geister“-Fraktion. Nun ja, die Minis sehen okay aus, eigentlich sogar sehr gut, aber ich bin ehrlich: Mein Fall sind die nicht. Waren die Sorceror Kings schon arg grenzwerting in dieses Universum zu verorten, so interessiert mich doch stark, wie man diese Frkation jetzt in das Universum integrieren möchte…

    • Heißen die nicht Weaver Courts?
      Fand ich auch mal cool als es noch scheinbar um die Spinnen-Wald-Thematik ging. Seit das – emofunden – aufgeweitet wurde in ein wildes Tohuwabohu aus allen möglichen Formen von Natur-Hybriden nach gängigen Pop-Schema X hat mich die Lust daran verlassen.

  • Als nicht Conquest Spieler, dachre ich im erstem Moment „hey die wollen dich locken“, bedingt hats auch funktioniert, aber dann waren es mir zu viele Hühner, fliegende Rüstungen und Typen, die aussehen wie laufende Köpfe. Aber netter Versuch 😉
    Die Kitsune würde es aber auch ohne Spiel zu mir schaffen …

  • Mein Malus an dieser Nachricht ist das die Einheitennamen hier falsch benannt sind.
    Ich werde sie mir aber holen und mal schauen was sich ergibt.

  • Bild 12 und 15 sind umwerfend. Die zwei Spieler Starter Box empfinde ich als günstig. Wenn man weiß was alleine der Vogel kostet.ich werde Mal auf mer Bilder warten.

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