von BK-Pascal | 09.02.2025 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Cobramode Miniatures: Februar Patreon

Cobramode Miniatures haben im Februar wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt werden.

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Here’s this month’s lore:

Zarnok – Goksagu Weaponsmith

Known as the Grandmaster of the Forge, Zarnok is an expert weaponsmith of the Goksagu people and husband to Lokcha, Mistress of the Forge. Using the expertly crafted alloys created by his wife, Zarnok is known for creating weapons with incredible strength, durability, balance, and weight. Like all Goksagu, his work is well-known for its functional properties and not for its aesthetic design. However clunky his weapons may appear, Zarnok takes pride in his work and creates each piece with its wielder in mind, matching custom materials and their properties to the specific weapon and its user. And of course, part of being a master weaponsmith is intimate knowledge of weapons and their usage, which he has in spades.

Lokcha – Goksagu Metallurgist

Respectfully referred to as the Mistress of the Forge, Lokcha is an unparalleled metallurgist who has created several proprietary recipes for rare and desirable alloys. Working closely with her weaponsmith husband, Zarnok, they have created weapons of surpassing quality rarely seen in the world. Truly a connoisseur of metals, her latest project has been to create an alloy that mimics what the Noctuoidea use for their magical weapons. Lacking the correct raw materials, however, she hasn’t been able to get close enough for her liking. She would be willing to give much and more for a chance to work with the famed moon metal of the Noctuoidea…

Ugmak – Goksagu Smith Apprentice

Ugmak is the most junior apprentice to Zarnok, despite having been under his wing for several years. His youthful exuberance knows no bounds, and he often enters a frenzied state as he hammers metals with both hands. He can be a bit overzealous however, and sometimes fails even Goksagu aesthetic standards for finished weapon forms. So far he’s been relegated to the initial beating and folding of metal bars, leaving the more skilled shaping and finishing to others.

Gorlag Firepig

The Gorlag Firepigs are specially bred by the Goksagu, and serve both as heat sources and war animals. The Firepigs are rotated in and out of kennels and pig runs over which the smelters, forges, and ovens are placed. They are especially effective against the Ariche’s Trogon mounts, large wooly mammoth-like creatures that are terrified by the flaming, squealing Firepigs. These bulky beasts are surprisingly fast and can cause immense havoc and confusion by running through enemy lines and camps, setting fire to everything in their path. The Goksagu, not being a magic-using culture, do not know how or why the Firepigs create their flame.

Quelle: Cobramode Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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