von BK-Pascal | 03.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Cobramode: Januar Patreon

Im Januar haben Cobramode Miniatures wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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This month’s Lore:

Odhran – Ciorcal Druid

Odhran is an herbalist who uses his silver scythe to harvest ingredients for his potions. His searbhiseach plant construct is made from a mixture of Mirethbalm shrubs and animal bones, perhaps representing his potion-making style. Like most Ciorcal druids, he is extremely solitary, preferring to focus on his medicinal and botanical studies. His potions are a mixture of herbal and magic, and because he uses the wild magic stemming from the Grimnismal, the results are not 100% reproducible. Still, he is a skilled herbalist and his potions are very effective, if not always predictable. Having no use for gold, he only creates potions in exchange for rare materials to further his studies.

Torramhan – Ciorcal Druid

Called the Oak Father, Torramhan is a powerful druid who studies plant magic. He has a particular fondness (perhaps obsession), for oaks. He can often be found contemplating a gargantuan acorn of the Durvain Oak, an ancient magical tree that lives in the depths of the Sylvan Forest. Its acorns are extremely valuable, rare, and said to carry much power, including the ability to foretell the future. The self-styled guardian of this venerable broadleaf, Torramhan adamantly protects its whereabouts and prevents the unworthy from approaching it. His zealotry is sometimes too much even for his fellow druids, especially when he starts declaiming poetry and songs in honor of his favorite trees.

Caerthann – God of Growth

One of the Seven Stags of the Grimnismal, worshipped by the Ciorcal and representing the summer season and unrestrained growth. While some might be tempted to believe that a god of growth is benevolent, Caerthann’s terrifying presence is enough to convince you otherwise. With growth and life come hunger and the need to sustain, competition for light and space. Seen by mortal eyes as a tangle of choking vines and branches, Caerthann embodies both joie de vivre and nature red, tooth and claw; the glory and violence of pure life force.

Mirethbalm Shrub Plant Constructs (Searbhiseach)

Plant constructs belonging to Odhran, these mischievous servitors perform simple tasks of gathering and processing to aid in his creation of potions and elixirs. He prefers to use Mirethbalm Shrubs mixed with animal bones to form his constructs, as the Mirethbalm is useful in some potions, but otherwise harmless even when mixed with other plants. Like all searbhiseach, they are imbued with magic owed to the Seven Stags, and can only remain animated at their discretion; if the druid who created them falls out of favor with the Grimnismal, their constructs will return to their component parts, bereft of life.

Quelle: Cobramode auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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