Black Scorpion Miniatures: 3D Scans
Black Scorpion Miniatures haben einen hochauflösenden 3d-Scanner erworben und wollen nun ihre Modelle teils als Resindrucke anbieten.
Zum einen sollen Figuren auf 28mm skaliert werden, zum anderen die Modelle die nicht mehr produziert werden wieder als Resindrucke verfügbar gemacht werden.
We recently invested in an extremely high end Macro scanner. Capable of accurately reproducing the micro details of our miniatures with incredible precision!The possibilities and new avenues this affords us are many and we’ll be previewing some of our new plans in the near future.For now we’re scanning certain models that may be out of production or making them available in 28mm. Other select models will be available as prints. The quality of the latest 3d printers and resins means the very highest details with the advantage of no mould lines, flash and models can be produced in one piece more easily.In the specials and new release categories you’ll find some of these models. Such as the Imperial Captain and Dungeon Keeper in 28mm. We’ve also brought back Archibald! This model was released years ago but was around 40-45mm. We’ve now made him available as 32mm and 28mm.
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