von BK-Pascal | 13.03.2025 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy

Bestiarum Miniatures: März Patreon [NSFW]

Bestiarum Miniatures haben im März wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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The Witch Hunters

First up, we’ve got a bunch of skilled hunters, and cruel killers joining the Folk of the Realm range. The order of Witch Hunters are infamous across the Azerai Empire. Acting with absolute impunity and autonomy, granted by the implicit blessing of the Church, they wander the lands of the Empire, seeking out any sign of corruption, and expunging it with terrible prejudice. Whether their persecutions are right matters not, for in their eyes, all bear the shame of guilt.

The Shrivewain is a massive kit, absolutely bursting with awesome additional terrain elements – you’ll find a tonne of great scatter pieces in here!

Knights of the Beast Part 2

Many of you have been clamouring for these horned brutes for some time – and we’ve had a great time bulking out the roster with some valuable additions.

Alongside some brutal new characters, we’ve got an expansion to the Ravager set – now they can equip great Two-Handed Weapons, and we’ve got some mad new helmet designs to expand your customisation options!

The accompanying faction pack is a beast itself, containing fully revamped lore and statblocks for the WHOLE Knights of the Beast range – including those miniatures from Part 1. This pack is the best place to learn about who the Knights of the Beast are, their worship of the Goatmother, and their plans for domination.

Heroes of the Beast

Last up, we’ve got our Heroes – not so Penitent anymore though! This month, we’ve got 3 Knights of the Beast themed character sculpts for you.

This month marks a change in direction for our Character trios, moving forward, you can expect to see more heroes connected to our factions and other collections, instead of the freewheeling roster of weirdos and rogues. A trio of Alchemic Order characters, notable warriors of Thule, perhaps some disciples of the Crimson Grove – who knows what lies ahead?

Quelle: Bestiarum Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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