Bestiarum Miniatures: Februar Patreon [NSFW]
Im Februar haben Bestiarum Miniatures wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.
The Traveller – Tower of Madness X Dark Denizens
The Traveller, as the name suggests, is a visitor to Doaden from parts unknown. This entity most often appears as an unassuming, affable little fellow, eagerly working away at some mundane labour or other. Do not take him for an easy target though, when threatened, the Traveller’s true nature is revealed…
Dark Denizens Part 2 – The Circus
Step right up for all the fun of the fair – The Ringmaster has brought his travelling troupe of mummers and performers and they have a show determined to delight and amaze. Puppetry, Dance, Beast Taming and yet more await under the big top.
Penitent Heroes – The Witch Hunters
February’s Penitent Hero Trio are a group of zealous Witch Hunters, determined to root out any and all signs of Heresy or Corruption from their beloved Empire. Armed with blunt faith, sharp accusation or cruel interrogation, they are as fearful as any beast or monster.
Quelle: Bestiarum Miniatures auf Patreon