von BK-Rafael | 12.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Witchsong Miniatures: Winter’s Reign – STL Kickstarter

Witchsong Miniatures präsentieren eine winterliche Kickstarter-Kampagne.

Witchsong Wintersreign 1

Winter’s Reign – Printable STL Miniatures

3D-printable miniatures for use in tabletop roleplaying games, or just to paint!

Winter’s Reign is coming… Can you survive the rule of Claus?

Claus seeks to rule, will you dare add your name to the list of those opposed? With the aid of his Coursers and Elves, none can escape! Friends and foes alike can not hide their intentions in the presence of Claus and his list, leading many to wonder if he is omniscient. Are you strong enough to defeat him?

The Miniatures

Claus does not fight alone! All of our minis are:

  • Ultra-high detail
  • 100% scalable
  • Pre-supported STLs + unsupported STLs
  • Pre-hollowed STLs
  • Includes illustrated digital stat block

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Claus, List Checker
3x3in circular base
150mm tall (From base to top of head)

Santa’s Coursers
3x3in circular base
125mm tall (From base to top head)

Enchanted Elves
Four soldiers with 1x1in circular bases
35mm tall

Winter’s Bite
4x4in circular base
120mm tall

Stat Blocks
All Witchsong miniatures include wonderfully illustrated Stat Sheets!

Witchsong Stat 1

Der Kickstarter ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 15 Tage.

Quelle: Witchsong Kickstarter


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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