von BK-Rafael | 03.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Vorbestellungen und News

Steamforged Games präsentieren Vorbestellungen, News und neue Regeln für Warmachine.

Warmachine August Pre 1

PRE-ORDERS OPEN – Cryx Necrofactorium, Orsus & Yana | Warmachine

As battle in the Iron Kingdoms rages on, new combatants are here to shake things up. Pre-order the Cryx Necrofactorium Battlegroup Box and Command Starter from your local gaming store or right here on our website, where you’ll also find two new Apotheosis warcasters: Orsus the Betrayed and Kapitan Yana Kovoskiy.

Warmachine August Pre 2

The Cryx Necrofactorium Command Starter is a fully-playable 30 point force, perfect for getting started or adding to an army for larger point games. It’s designed to be the best entry point for players that want to start building a Cryx Necrofactorium army, including warcaster Wraithbinder Nekane, and a strike force of character models—a warjack, a solo, and a unit. Claim the souls of your opponent’s army with the dark magic of the Cryx, and boost the power of your undead thralls!

What’s in the box? – €69,99

  • Wraithbinder Nekane (Warcaster)
  • Hades (Character Warjack)
  • Master Necrotech Chatterbane (Character Solo)
  • The Furies (3-Characters Model Unit)

Warmachine August Pre 3

Since the Nightmare Empire is clearly unstoppable, the logical next step is to check out the Cryx Necrofactorium Battlegroup Box. It’s a great way to start building a Cryx army too, and as a 20 point box it’s ideal for adding to the Command Starter to play 50 point games.

What’s in the box? – €64,99

  • Discerptor Eviscerus (Warcaster)
  • Malefactor (Heavy Warjack)
  • Raptor (Light Warjack)
  • Raptor (Light Warjack)

The Battlegroup Box comes with another undead warcaster, Discerptor Eviscerus, and three warjacks—a customizable Malefactor heavy warjack, and two light Raptor ‘Bonejacks . The Malefactor’s head options include abilities such as Berserk, Dark Shroud, and Overtake, or the ability to claim souls for their controlling warcaster!

Orsus the Betrayed – €37,99

Warmachine August Pre 4

Chained to a fell axe and banished from Khador by decree of the Empress, our first new Apotheosis warcaster is Orsus the Betrayed, now leading the armies of the Orgoth Sea Raiders!

Kapitan Yana Kovoskiy – €37,99

Warmachine August Pre 5

Orsus is a cavalry warcaster with a lust for blood, a burning desire for vengeance, and a real knack for separating heads from shoulders. The Blood-Quenched, Critical Decapitation, and Homicidal Maniac special rules have those qualities well covered. He can also cast the Hunter’s Mark spell to allow friendly units to charge or make a slam power attack against a target enemy model hit by Hunter’s Mark without being forced or spending focus, with an extra +2 SPD to boot.

Our next new Apotheosis warcaster is Kapitan Yana Kovoskiy of the Khador Winter Korps, standing ready to strike down adversaries of Khador, including the likes of treacherous Orsus.

When Yana destroys one or more enemy models during her activation, cohort models in her battlegroup begin their activations in her control range with an extra +2 SPD and MAT for one turn.
You can pre-order the Cryx Battlegroup Box and Command Starter now from your local gaming store — or right here on our website, where you’ll also find Orsus and Yana.

Gargantuan New Pre-order! Abyssal King – €129,99

Warmachine August Preb 4

Last but certainly not least for those, new to pre-order direct from our website is the gargantuan Abyssal King!

Abyssal Kings are gargantuan trolls that fight alongside the Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders. Native to the deep, warm ocean off the coast of Alchiere, they’re deadly in battle, using their fists, tentacles, Bowsprit spear, and with a tendency to hurl jetsam at distant targets.

The model includes four customisable hard points—head, ship’s figurehead, and two tentacle weapons. Each head offers a different debuff against nearby enemy models—either a Paralyzing Gaze that saps DEF, or Awe, which reduces enemy attack rolls by -2.

The Abyssal King won’t be available on stand, but you can pre-order yours for delivery here — and there’s a chance the IRL painted mini might be hiding in one of the cabinets…


Warmachine Wednesday: GEN CON Edition

What’s up, wargamers?!

With Gen Con looming large tomorrow, the time is ripe for some news, and the regularly-scheduled Warmachine Wednesday update is the perfect place to share it.

Whether you’re at the show or staying home, there’s something for you, from early releases to new rules and lore. So, let’s get to the details!

Reminder that the Warmachine Community Survey is still open. Full details here.


New Warcaster Rules! Cygnar v Khador Starter Set

Warmachine August Preb 2

Major Allister Caine

Major Allister Caine is the same brash, skilled gun mage he’s always been, known for his deadly accuracy, rebellious nature, and a penchant for operating on the fringes of the law in the Iron Kingdoms.

Years of taking on some of Cygnar’s toughest battles have taught him how to survive without dulling his disdain for authority.

With Evasive, you won’t pin him, or his battlegroup, down easily. As if that weren’t enough, Caine’s Teleport spell makes him even harder to get a grip on, letting him slip in to deliver a devastating flurry of gunfire and retreat out of enemy range with ease.

His experience as the leader of the Hellslingers has meant Caine has become an even more accurate shot. His Headshot ability makes sure what he shoots down stays down. Following their leader’s example, Caine’s gunmages are inspired to aim just as well with Leadership Headshot.

Finally, Caine’s feat ensures the power of the gunmage weapons is really tuned up for the killing blow, while injecting as much magic into each bullet as possible. Update or download the Warmachine app now to check out Caine’s rules.

Warmachine August Preb 3
Kapitan Zahara Vilkul

Kapitan Zahara Vilkul is a master of battlefield tactics.

With a combination of Unstoppable and Cyclone, Vilkul can easily get into combat where the need is greatest, or easily escape an enemy threat, before covering tracks with a wall of clouds formed by Eruption of Ash on both many thrown, and melee, mechanica axes.

Even so, that might not be quite enough clouds to block enemy line of sight. Vilkul can generate even more clouds for a turn with the feat, Pall of Ashes. Place them on an enemy for a powerful debuff, or give your SKS-6 models, as well as the rest of your army, access to Pathfinder and the ability to walk through obstructions in the area.

Enemy living models caught in a Pall of Ashes cloud additionally suffer debuffs to DEF and attack rolls, as well as losing Tough unless they can ignore gas effects. Anyone need a gas mask?

While the Kapitan skirmishes on the enemy lines, her battlegroup emerges from the shadows and smoke. Field Marshal Prowl means the already tough Khadoran ‘jacks can make it up the field unscratched, letting you leverage their full strength to crush hard targets and confound enemy guns.

Update or download the Warmachine app now to check out Caine and Vilkul’s rules.

There’s plenty more reveals to come for the Starter Set! Make sure you’ve signed up to the Steamforged newsletter so you don’t miss anything.

Subscriber Lore! Heroes & Villains: Master Necrosurgeon Sepsira

And of course, Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!

We’ve already covered the new rules above, but there’s also new app subscriber content in the form of a Heroes & Villains installment for Cryx’s Master Necrosurgeon warcaster, Sepsira:

Among the most proficient and professional agents of the Nightmare Empire’s Necrofactorium, the Master Necrosurgeon Sepsira comes alive only in the operating theater or on the battlefield.

In both arenas, her reputation for results is beyond reproach. On the battlefield, the grating rasp of Sepsira’s voice rises unnaturally over the din of battle to command her teeming legions of thralls.

Always in the vanguard, Sepsira whirls through combat, unleashing death with every carefully calculated motion. Her blades and saws leap in every direction, probing the battlelines to strike over, behind, beneath, and even through the crush of thralls as they fall upon the enemy.

Though her military accomplishments have been limited to expeditions across the islands claimed by Cryx during the Scharde Invasions of the past century and to remote localities beyond Immoren, Sepsira has proven herself cool and capable.

Want to read more? Download the Warmachine app and subscribe to instantly access a library of lore.


Quelle: Steamforged Games, SFG Store


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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  • Die Boxen wirken erstmal icht komplett bekloppt bepreist wie vonPP direkt, und fie preordrr sachen sehen sehr geil aus.

    Ich hoffe warmachine wird wieder populärer und SFG wird langen Atem beweisen.

      • Die gesamte „eine Frau sieht aber doch SO aus!“ Thematik können wir uns glaube ich bitte direkt sparen.

        Schönheitsideale können innerhalb eines Kulturkreises in eine einigermaßen einheitliche Richtung gehen, Realitäten sehen überall komplett anders aus..

  • Das ist die vierte Version des Butcher, wenn ich es richtig mitbekommen habe.
    Jemanden zu verbannen der sein Mutterland so abgöttisch liebt wie Orsus ist schon eine Hausnummer, wobei ich seine Geschichte seit der dritten Edition nicht mehr kenne. Der Butcher gehörte aber immer zu meinen Lieblingscastern.

    Was ist mit ihm geschehen? Btw. was wurde eigentlich aus Karchev?

    • Ich hatte schon SFG die Idee genannt den bisherigen Fluff zu bündeln, damit die Charaktere und deren Entwicklungen auch für Neulinge nachvollziehbar sind. Sonst hat man ganz schnell vorrangig Spieler wieder am Start, den der Fluff total wuppe ist. Wäre meiner Meinung nach sonst ne verpasste Chance

  • Bitte um Aufklärung:

    a) Wo Regeln und Karten?
    b) Kommen alle alten Sachen wieder? Etwa Trollblood Kriels, Infernals oder Convergence of Cyriss
    c) Wer schreibt jetzt die Regeln?
    d) Geht die Story weiter?
    e) Gab es harte Schnitte? Sei es Figurenrange oder Hintergrundgeschichte
    f) Steamforged Games hatte ja doch schon so manche unpopuläre Entscheidung getroffen. Wie sieht es damit aktuell aus?

    Ansonsten wünsche ich jedem Warmahordes Spieler definitiv alles gute!

    MfG Sonstwer

    • 1. Warmachine app
      2. die app enthält regeln für eine auswahld er alten modelle. ob da noch weitere aus den alten auswahlen beigefügt werden, kann ich nicht sagen. Die Fraktionen werden mit mk4 gerade neu aufgelegt und erhalten komplett neue modelle und auswahlen.
      3. sfg in kooperation mit privateer press soweit ich weiss-
      4. die story wird weitergeführt, enthält aber einen timeskip zwischen dem ende von mk3 und dem anfang von mk4.
      5. ja es gab harte schnitte. eines der ziele von mk4 war es, den modellblase die aufgebaut wure zu reduzieren. mk4 enthält regeln füe einige modelle von mk3, diese erhalten aber keine regelupdates mehr. von mk3 zu 4 sind einige charaktere gestorben.
      6. keine info zu den unpopulären entscheidungen-

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