von BK-Rafael | 05.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Maelstrom, Dreadguard Scyir und Slayers

Steamforged Games präsentieren Regeln und bemalte Modelle: Maelstrom, Dreadguard Scyir und Slayers.

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Rules Reveal: Maelstrom

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!

This week’s update for subscribers is an all-new Heroes & Villains. This time, we dig in deep on Zahara Vikul, a young aristocrat who just recently found her future in the Khadoran military as a warcaster…

However, before we dive into the Kapitan’s story, we have some painted models to show off and a rules reveal for the Storm Legion.
Rules Reveal: Maelstrom

The Maelstrom colossal warjack has been added into Cygnar Storm Legion! Download the app now to check it out.

Painted Model Reveal: Dreadguard Scyir

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Painted Model Reveal: Dreadguard Slayers

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Subscriber’s Content: Heroes & Villians: Kapitan Zahara Vilkul

Zahara Vikul was born to a life of power and privilege as a daughter of Volningrad’s aristocracy, but she gave it up for a life of military service to the empress.

Despite resistance from her family to serve at all, Zahara’s uncanny intellect and the Gift of Magic assured she would receive her commission with honors and would undergo training as a warcaster in short order. Her cunning as a soldier, her command of military history and arcane lore, and her ability to think outside the box would soon prompt the nefarious Section 3 to recruit her into the Special Kommand Service (SKS), where the full spectrum of her talents could at last be both harnessed and unleashed.

In the wake of the recent invasion, Zahara focused on the study of Orgoth arcane lore, leading her to believe victory against the dreaded Sea Raiders could be achieved by embracing their magic and then wielding it against them. Above all things, Zahara is driven to win. Indeed, life itself is but a game of Reign to her thinking, a series of opponents to best. In this regard, she sees the Orgoth as the only worthy opponents left to her.

Given Zahara’s prowess in battle, her magical skills, and high intellect, SKS-6 is accordingly comprised of the very best Khador’s soldiery can offer. Indeed, each one is a hand-picked specialist with a mix of skills meant to complement her own. While this may instill in Zahara a certain camaraderie with her SKS-6 operatives, she cultivates these relationships primarily to secure their loyalty. In fact, her obsession with victory at any cost means each specialist is ultimately a pawn in her estimation, disposable if necessary.

Quelle: Steamforged Games


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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