von BK-Rafael | 30.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Kyrrax Hintergrund & Necrofactorium Regeln

Steamforged Games präsentieren den Hintergrund zu Kyrrax und Regeln des Necrofactoriums.

Warmachine Commandsets 09

Warmachine – Kyrrax Lore & Necrofactorium Rules

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!

But before we get into that, let your eyes feast on models from the upcoming Cryx Necrofactorium Core Expansion…

Warmachine Cryx Aug 1

Recruit the Skarlock Lieutenant for your Necrofactorium army and open up dark new strategies to terrify your enemies.

Leading your Mechanithrall Swarms into the thick of battle with enhanced arcane abilities, the Skarlock Lieutenant will ensure your foes face the full brunt of your necromantic fury.

Claim the souls of those who fall before you, and show the battlefield the true Strength of Death.

Warmachine Cryx Aug 2

Enhance your Necrofactorium Army with the Necrosurgeon Initiates, a unit that can return destroyed forces back to the fight.

Make your army an unstoppable tide of undead on the battlefield, backed up by these eerie technicians of flesh and metal.

Necrofactorium players will be dying to get this unit and stitch together a clean victory, and maybe a thrall or two along the way.

New Model Rules!

We’re not done yet, as new rules have been added to the app this week!

From the Cryx Necrofactorium army, we have the Grendel character warjack and the Necroharvester & Corpse Crawlers.

Warmachine Cryx Aug 3

A savage hunter known to appear without warning, Grendel is a heavy warjack that typically ranges far ahead of other Cryxian forces, as an ambush predator.
Grendel bursts from its warren below the earth to strike at the enemy without mercy. And once it’s got its ripping claws into an unlucky victim, Grendel withdraws with the same speed, dragging its target back with it to certain doom!

Warmachine Cryx Aug 4

Unleash the dark efficiency of the Necroharvester on your opponents, a twisted feat of the Necrofactorum’s unholy engineering.

The Necroharvester can snatch corpses from the battlefield to empower its own relentless advance, or use them to create deadly, explosive Corpse Crawlers.

Harnessing the remains of your enemies and deploying them as a devastating advantage will shake your opponent’s morale and chill their very soul.

Warmachine Cryx Aug 5

This week’s update for subscribers is a brand-new Heroes & Villains, this time with the spotlight on Kyrrax, the Unrelenting Night (Khymaera Shard Incarnates Command Cadre).

A terrifying addition to the Khymaeran forces, he possesses qualities from both Saeryn and Rhyas…

At the forefront of the Khymaera’s premier shock troopers, the Shard Incarnates, is their bold and formidable leader, Kyrrax, a commander crafted to be dogged and unwavering, regardless of the challenge.

He is the ultimate soldier, dutifully taking orders and applying them in spite of overwhelming odds or almost certain death. When he’s summoned, it’s inevitably to spearhead an assault against amassed and reinforced lines posing too great a danger to the Khymaera’s other forces.

On the battlefield, Kyrrax commands with his weapons and his body, using only signals and gestures. His precise motions, even while attacking, serve to both coordinate and inflict devastation.

Off the battlefield, he is even more aloof than Shyryss, speaking little, instead endlessly monitoring their lair’s perimeter and defenses until called upon.

Born equally of both halves of Khymaera, the Shard Incarnates belong to neither. As the rest of the Incarnates are lent out to bolster the forces of other warlocks, they develop bonds and rapport, but Kyrrax is reserved only for strikes deemed suicidal by other commanders.

Any interactions he has with other leaders is almost solely through engaging in the secret duels warlocks conduct between themselves, testing their limits to the point of death. These relationships, though adversarial, nurture mutual respect for each other’s capabilities among the warlocks.

Kyrrax’s centauroid body and weapons were crafted with durability as their chief priority. Each fact of his form then is densely woven from metal and organic fibers, seamlessly integrated into a perfect living machine. He can cleave through targets with a sweeping stroke of his glaive or batter even the staunchest foes away with his shield.

When he leads a charge, additional forces follow close behind to capitalize on those enemies and their disrupted ranks he scatters and prevent them from enveloping him . . . the resources invested into crafting Kyrrax, are, after all, much too valuable to lose.

His regimented actions and characteristic stoicism mask any trace of a personality, but beneath the veneer teems a mind of layered complexities, born of the merging of multiple creatures’ thoughts into a patchwork of identity.

Change Log for August 28, 2024

Heroes & Villains: Kyrrax, the Unrelenting Night: Added to subscriber library


Grendel: Added to Necrofactorium
Necroharvester and Corpse Crawler: Added to Necrofactorium





That’s it for now. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content!


Quelle: Steamforged Games, SFG Store


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Die Fraktion hat weiterhin ein schön klar definiertes Design. Cryx scheint damit optisch sehr homogen in der neuen Edition angekommen zu sein.
    Trotzdem warte ich vor allem auf die 2p Box und die Cygnar Trencher.
    Ich werde auch nochmal die App runterladen und mich da mit dem System etwas beschäftigen

  • Bin auch schon auf die neue Starterbox gespannt.
    Vlt. doch noch mal mit Cygnar anfangen?!
    Habe ja noch zwei komplett Starter bei mir rumliegen…

  • Mir gefallen die neuen Cryx auch ungemein.
    Bin auch gespannt, auf die 2Player Box.
    Hoffe das sie dieses Jahr noch mehr Bilder von neuen Armeen zeigen, außer Khador und Cygnar…evtl ein kleiner Hint auf Circle oder Menoth wäre nett.

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