von BK-Rafael | 06.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Lich Lord Dekathus & Necrofactorium

Steamforged Games präsentieren News zu Lich Lord Dekathus des Cryx Necrofactoriums.

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Warmachine Wednesday: Lich Lord Dekathus

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!

New rules have been added to the app this week as we unveil Lich Lord Dekathus!

Entrusted with the formidable task of expanding the Necrofactorium network across the mainland, Lich Lord Dekathus commands a fearsome contingent of the Nightmare Empire’s most intimidating heavy thralls. Dekathus himself stands as a vile icon of necromantic prowess, wielding dark magic of unparalleled potency. His very presence is a harbinger of entropy.

Waking the Dead: Part 4

This week’s update for subscribers is the next installment of Waking the Dead. In Part Four—“Shadows of Conquest,” Wraithbinder Nekane comes face to face with Duke Sunbright, and when their forces clash, the end would appear to be nigh for her Cryxian forces…

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Duke Sunbright, his blessed morning star casting a blinding white radiance, was fighting his way through the mechanithralls, his target obvious. Nekane considered letting him come through to challenge her directly—but not yet.

She urged her Deathripper, still lingering near the trees, into a run, aiming it at the Cygnaran knight. It loped into view and threw itself into the rangers surrounding Sunbright. The duke had no choice but to turn and face this new threat, but he was unfazed. Nekane felt the brutal caress of his morning star on the Deathripper as he caved in its hull and crushed one of its legs.

More mechanithralls fell around Nekane, and the Cygnarans encircled what was left of her meager forces. She’d killed dozens, but it mattered little; enough remained to overwhelm her. She’d coaxed Duke Sunbright into the open, engaged his forces in open battle, but the other part of her plan had not materialized. Eviscerus should have arrived by now, should have come thundering in behind the Cygnarans, a hammer to crush them against the anvil of she and Hades.

Was she betrayed? Had Eviscerus divined some advantage in letting her be destroyed? It mattered little now. She pushed these thoughts aside, and fought on, scything through the melee toward Duke Sunbright. She would tear his soul from his body and see it consumed before death claimed her.

Change Log for September 4, 2024

Waking the Dead Part Four—Shadows of Conquest: Added to subscriber library

Lich Lord Dekathus: Added to Necrofactorium


Scallywag: Weapon locations added

That’s it for now. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content!



Dying to Get Your Hands on More Necrofactorium?

The time is now to swell your undead ranks with additional models and units for the Cryx Necrofactorium. Our thralls are crafted with precision, love—and, well, everything leftover from the battlefield! Check out the options below to expand your army of undead.

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Unleash the full force of your necromantic power with the Malefactor Heavy Warjack. Its modular weapons loadout offers fully customizable offensive and defensive options, while the integrated Aggressive ability lets it run or charge without spending focus.

Designed for ruthless efficiency, the Malefactor adapts to any combat scenario, delivering devastating power and relentless aggression on the field.

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The Raptor is a formidable light bonejack ideal for all Necrofactorium armies. Extremely versatile with modular head and back options, you can tailor the Raptor to serve a range of uses in the ranks of your undead force, such as swift, precise strikes, or acting as an arc node to channel spells through. The Raptor’s agility and customizable enhancements work in tandem to help the Nightmare Empire dominate the battlefield.

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The Mechanithrall Swarm is a relentless force of Cryxian automatons, ideal for overwhelming enemies through sheer numbers. Equipped with Gang to boost their attacks in numbers, and Vengeance to strike back when targeted, these thralls excel at closing the distance and overrunning the enemy.

They may not have been victorious while they were alive, but through the twisted engineering of the Necrofactorium they’ve found new purpose in undeath. The perfect unit for all Cryx Necrofactorium armies. Now available in two five-model unit options, Mechanithrall Swarm A and Mechanithrall Swarm B.

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Control your opponents with the Machine Wraith Dominator. This Necrofactorium solo wields the potent Dark Dominion ability, allowing you to seize control of enemy warjacks and turn their might against their own armies.

With its spectral prowess and tactical flexibility, the Machine Wraith Dominator is a perfect choice when filling out any Necrofactorium army list.

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The Skarlock Lieutenant is a key leader for Mechanithrall Swarms, bringing dark sorcery and tactical acumen to the battlefield. This enigmatic warlock amplifies the power of your mechanized undead troops, enhancing both their resilience and effectiveness.

With his necromantic abilities and commanding presence, the Skarlock Lieutenant turns your swarms of Mechanithralls into a relentless tide of undead, ensuring your Cryx army dominates its foes with chilling precision.

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Harness the dark art of necromancy with the Necrosurgeon Initiates. These eerie specialists bring dual benefits to your Necrofactorium forces: they can empower your warjacks with their arcane skills, enhancing their combat capabilities, or perform Grim Returns and stitch together fallen trooper models, bringing them back into the fray.

Their unique abilities ensure your army remains formidable and resilient, making the Necrosurgeon Initiates a crucial addition to any Necrofactorium force.

Want it all?

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So many Necrofactorium options to choose from. Grab a box that includes multiple options at one time.

Enhance your battlefield

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Enhance your Warmachine battles with specialized trench templates, meticulously crafted for immersive gameplay. These durable, high-quality terrain features are designed to flow into one another, allowing you to create intricate networks of trenches across your battlefield.

Strategically place these templates to offer your models superior cover and protection. They provide significant advantages, including resistance to blast attacks and enhanced defense against enemy fire. Whether you’re fortifying your position or planning a tactical advance, these trench templates will add depth and realism to your games, making every battle more dynamic and engaging.

And in the meantime, you can hang out with the Steamforged team on our Discord or get in touch with our customer service team for any support questions.

Quelle: Steamforged Games, SFG Blog, SFG Store


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Ich habe nie Warmachine oder Hordes gespielt, aber, mit Cryx und dem Circle gerne Miniaturen gesammelt und den Fluff gelesen. Die Designsprache ist eigen und war für mich, zumindest zur Zeit der Erscheinung neu und komplett von GW oder auch anderen System weg. Das gefällt mir. Ich freue mich, dass das Speil – die beiden Spiele – jetzt wieder so viel Support erfahren und die regelmäßig hier zu sehenden Miniaturen gefallen mir gut. Manche alte Fraktion finde ich nicht so rund geändert, aber, ich kenne auch den neuen Fluff nicht. Wahrscheinlich passt das schon so, wie es ist. Cryx finde ich stark und ich freue mich schon, wenn die neuen Sachen für den Circle kommen.

  • Ja der Support von Steamforge ist schon rund was Warmachine&Hordes betrifft (oder nur Warmachine wir es jetzt heißt).
    Auch läuft es da gefühlt runder wie bei PP.
    Hoffe das es so weiter läuft.
    Mir gefällt wie sie die neuen Boxen gestalten und das Einsteigen aufbauen.
    Auch mir gefallen die neuen Sachen sehr, hoffe das nach den Cadre von Cygnar und Khador, wir neue Armeen sehen werden (Circle und Menithen wären toll!!).
    Bei mir im Kreis erwacht Warmachine auch langsam immer mehr, was mich sehr freut.
    Und Denis von Diced findet die Minis ja auch schick…evtl hört man da ja auch mal wieder mehr bei Diced dann… 😉

  • Die ersten Armeen haben mir nicht so gut gefallen, aber diese da trifft genau meinen Nerf.
    Ich weiß zwar nicht ob ich auch noch mit Warmachine anfangen will, aber ich werde zumindest die Modelle dieser Armee sammeln und bemalen.
    Dann sehen wir weiter… 😉

  • Langsam werde ich schwach… die Sachen sehen mMn durch die Bank weg gut aus.
    Weiß man schon, wann da ein neues Regelwerk kommt?

  • Cryx war nie mein Favorit, aber die Range ist Rund.

    Ich mag die religiöse Truppe, Protektorat oder so. Wenn die kommen könnte ich schwach werden

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