von BK-Jonah | 16.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch

Warlord Games: Neue Pre-Order für Black Powder Epic Battles

Im November wird es napoleonisch bei Warlord Games, mit verschiedenen Infanterie- und Artillerie-Einheiten für Black Powder Epic Battles.

Black Powder Epic Battles: November Pre-Order

Black Powder Epic Battles: Napoleonic Peninsular British Infantry – €26,50

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Raise the Colours and take your Epic Battles to the Peninsular with this British Infantry Regiment!

When Napoleon’s ambitions threatened to completely dominate Spain and Portugal, Great Britain responded. Troops deployed to the Peninsular under Sir Arthur Wellesley would take part in a hard-fought campaign to drive the French out, and the core of these forces were the red-coated infantry. These men would fight hard, and well, against the French columns, and drive over the Pyrenees into France itself.

Clad in their distinctive stovepipe shakoes and cast in crisply detailed Warlord Resin, these redcoats are perfect for any Black Powder Epic Battles Napoleonic British collection!

Box contains:

  • Two battalions of Peninsular British Infantry (each of four stands including command), cast in Warlord Resin.
  • Full-colour Black Powder Epic Battles Peninsular British Flag Sheet
  • Plastic Bases

Black Powder Epic Battles: Napoleonic British Foot Artillery (Peninsular Campaign) – €12,50

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Bombard the French into submission on the Peninsular with this Black Powder Epic Battles British Foot Artillery Battery!

British artillery was a vital part of Wellesley’s strategy in the Peninsular War, used to good effect to support the redcoat infantry in both attack and defence. The heaviest guns commonly available, often 12-pounders, were deployed by the ‘foot’ artillery units of the Royal Artillery. Emplaced before battle in tactically advantageous positions, they could decimate enemy attacks or batter a defence into ruins.

Add some serious firepower to your Black Powder: Epic Battles Peninsular British force with this artillery battery!


  • Three Peninsular British Artillery Pieces, cast in Warlord Resin.
  • Plastic Bases

Black Powder Epic Battles: Napoleonic Peninsular British Infantry Brigade – €75,00

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Muster the troops for war on the Peninsular with this British Infantry Brigade Bundle!

When Napoleon’s ambitions threatened to completely dominate Spain and Portugal, Great Britain responded. Troops deployed to the Peninsular under Sir Arthur Wellesley would take part in a hard-fought campaign to drive the French out, and the core of these forces were the red-coated infantry. These men would fight hard, and well, against the French columns, and drive over the Pyrenees into France itself.

Clad in their distinctive stovepipe shakoes and cast in crisply detailed Warlord Resin, these redcoats are perfect for any Black Powder Epic Battles Napoleonic British collection! This bundle contains six battalions, the perfect core for any British force!

Bundle contains:

  • Six battalions of Peninsular British Infantry (each of four stands including command), cast in Warlord Resin.
  • Three Full-colour Black Powder Epic Battles Peninsular British Flag Sheet
  • Plastic Bases

Black Powder Epic Battles: Napoleonic British Light Infantry Brigade – €75,00

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Muster the Light Division with this British Light Infantry Brigade Bundle!

British Light Infantry battalions were trained in the ‘Shorncliffe System’, a method which encouraged small-unit tactics, initiative, and marksmanship. While still a product of the strict discipline of the era, the ‘Light Bobs’, as they were known, certainly enjoyed a much greater level of operational leeway than their Line colleagues! In battle, their role was to skirmish with their French Voltigeur opponents, and on the march they would often serve as either advance or rear guards, and if needed they could also serve in the main battleline.

Add some flexibility to your Black Powder: Epic Battles British collection with these finely detailed Warlord Resin light infantrymen, perfect for both Waterloo and the Peninsular! This bundle contains six battalions, the perfect way to add skirmishers to your British collection en masse.

Bundle contains:

  • Six battalions of Napoleonic British Light Infantry (each of four stands including command), cast in Warlord Resin.
  • Plastic Bases

Black Powder Epic Battles: Napoleonic Peninsular British Foot Artillery Park – €36,00

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Deploy a mighty host of heavy guns with this British Peninsular Foot Artillery Park bundle!

British artillery was a vital part of Wellesley’s strategy in the Peninsular War, used to good effect to support the redcoat infantry in both attack and defence. The heaviest guns commonly available, often 12-pounders, were deployed by the ‘foot’ artillery units of the Royal Artillery. Emplaced before battle in tactically advantageous positions, they could decimate enemy attacks or batter a defence into ruins.

Add some serious firepower to your Black Powder: Epic Battles Peninsular British force with this artillery battery! This bundle contains nine guns, the perfect way to ensure you’ve got plenty of fire support with a single click!

Bundle contains:

  • Nine Peninsular British Artillery pieces, cast in Warlord Resin.
  • Plastic Bases

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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