von BK-Rafael | 19.02.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Wargames Atlantic: Vox Populi: Elves

Wargames Atlantic nutzen ein Wahlsystem, Vox Populi, um für kommende Fraktionen in ihrem Sortiment abzustimmen. Diesmal: Klassische Fantasy Elfen.

Vox Elves


Classic Fantasy Elves Added to Vox Populi!

Your votes have spoken! Classic Fantasy Elves is the newest entry on the List of 12 at Vox Populi (replacing Conquistador Cavalry which were successfully funded and now in production)!

Vox Poll

There has been some early work done on this set but there’s much more to do and we’re very interested in hearing your thoughts on it as well! We have a page dedicated to the set in our forum here. Let us know what you think!

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Voting remains fast and furious on the List of 12 with the Warring States Infantry in the lead but other sets making big gains like the Dark Age/Germanic Infantry Army Builder set. Once Conquistador Cavalry is ready for tooling we’ll pick the next winner to move into pre-production orders.


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Vox Populi is our system for turning your wishes into hard plastic sets! We do this in four steps:

I. THE CENSUS: The Wargames Atlantic community suggests new plastic sets. Use #voxatlantic to make sure your idea is noticed!

II. SUFFRAGIUM: A poll will be created to determine which of the suggestions from The Census will go through to the final stage of voting.

III. PRIMA QUAE PRIUS: That’s This Stage Below! Purchase gift vouchers in $5, $10, $25, or $50 denominations for the set you want to win. Every $1 is one vote! The set with the most votes will be moved to funding.

IV. DARE PECUNIA: The winning set from the below 12 is put up for pre-order. Every pre-order counts toward the funding goal. Once the funding goal is reached, Wargames Atlantic will match the amount and put the set into production.

When the winning set is in production, we will start over with THE CENSUS to add a new set and start the process over.



Below, you will see a collection of products that you, the customers, have asked us to make. These products can be voted on by you the consumer by doing nothing more than your regular order from Wargames Atlantic.

Step 1: Select a product below you wish to support, add it to your cart

Step 2: Purchase the product you wish to support

Step 3: You will instantly be sent a gift card to the value of your support to spend in the Wargames Atlantic webstore, and every $1 you pledged counts as a vote for that product.

Step 4: Spend your Gift Card on the Miniatures and STL Files you want today!

It really is that simple! Buy a gift card to back the set you want to see brought to life in hard plastic. We will be publishing timeframes of when we will select the best performing kit, and that product will then become available to pre-order.


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Quelle: Wargames Atlantic, WA Vox Populi


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Die Qualität, die WA in Plastik abliefern, kann sich echt sehen lassen. Die Veröffentlichungspolitik hingegen ist teils etwas frustrierend. Schon vor mindestens zwei Jahren wurden Thureophoroi angekündigt und es hieß, sie seien im Layout sehr weit fortgeschritten. Damit würde eine dicke Lücke in 28mm gefüllt und ich habe denen total entgegengefiebert. Dann haben sie mit dem Abstimmungssystem begonnen und gefühlt wird die Liste immer länger, während gleichzeitig wahnsinnig viele STLs rausgehauen werden.Irgendwie bezweifle ich inzwischen, dass sie wirklich ihr Versprechen halten werden, alles zu veröffentlichen, das auf der Planungsliste auftaucht.

  • Ja, ist jetzt nichts besonderes vor allem weil man von Northstar/Oathmark ja schon welche in dem Stil bekommt

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