von BK-Nils | 13.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Wargame Exclusive: Weitere Konzeptzeichnungen

Wargame Exclusive zeigen weitere Konzeptzeichnungen für kommende Veröffentlichungen.

Wargame Exclusive July's Adventurer's Bounty Reward Concept Art 1 Wargame Exclusive July's Adventurer's Bounty Reward Concept Art 2 Wargame Exclusive July's Adventurer's Bounty Reward Concept Art 3 Wargame Exclusive July's Adventurer's Bounty Reward Concept Art 4

We’re excited to share some early sketches of our upcoming models from July’s Adventurer’s Bounty reward. Get a sneak peek at these unique and detailed designs that we’re sure you’ll love.
Join our Patreon or MyMiniFactory for ONLY ONE DOLLAR a month!
Don’t miss out on this amazing deal.
Wargame Exclusive Demon Heteras Concept Art 1 Wargame Exclusive Demon Heteras Concept Art 2 Wargame Exclusive Demon Heteras Concept Art 3
Feast your eyes on the mesmerizing Demon Heteras, the ultimate seductresses of chaos. These demonic beauties radiate an otherworldly, twisted allure, their bodies moving with an erotic fluidity that defies human limits. Every undulating motion, every arch of their supple necks, and every sensuous sway of their tails weaves a hypnotic dance of pain and ecstasy.
In the heat of battle, they are a vision of dark, tantalizing elegance. Their seductive forms capture every gaze, leaving enemies spellbound and powerless, entranced by their grotesque yet irresistible charm. With each graceful flick of their deadly blades, lives are claimed, all while their black, soul-devouring eyes draw in every ounce of attention.
Dive into the intoxicating sketches of these exquisite demons, where horror meets seduction in a dance that will dominate your darkest fantasies.
Quelle: Wargame Exclusive auf Facebook

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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