Victoria Miniatures: Neuerscheinungen und Paint Pot Toppers
Victoria Miniatures haben vier neue digitale Miniaturen im Sortiment, sowie Paint Pot Toppers.
Sister Preacher Sephima .STL Download
$5.99 USDDigital Download. This product is a .STL file for digital printing.
This kit includes supported and unsupported versions of the following files:
-25mm round base
Desert Scorpions Capt. Laura Swift .STL Download
$5.99 USDDigital Download. This product is a .STL file for digital printing.
This kit includes supported and unsupported versions of the following files:
-25mm round base
Missionary Hildeguard Hell .STL Download
$5.99 USDDigital Download. This product is a .STL file for digital printing.
This kit includes supported and unsupported versions of the following files:
-25mm round baseSculpted by Patrick Keith. This is not a physical product.
Orc Paint Pot Topper Swatch .STL
$4.99 USDOrc Paint Pot Topper Swatch .STL download for home printing. Includes supported and unsupported file.
Fits Games Workshop Citadel paint pots. Simply snap on, no glue required. just spray with your usual undercoat, paint them with your Citadel color and pop them on.
These characterful toppers are a great way to pick you colors at a glance. The sculpted detail is especially designed to demonstrate of the qualities of your shade and contrast paints.
Orc Paint Pot Topper Swatch x10
$7.99 USDOrc Paint Pot Topper Swatch x10
Fits Games Workshop Citadel paint pots. Simply snap on, no glue required. just undercoat, paint and pop them on.
These characterful toppers are a great way to pick you colors at a glance. The sculpted detail is especially designed to demonstrate of the qualities of your shade and contrast paints.High resolution 3D print. This is a physical product.
Kraken Paint Bottle Topper Swatch .STL
$4.99 USDKraken Paint Bottle Topper Swatch .STL file for home printing.
Fits most standard dropper bottles including Army Painter, Reaper MSP, Vallejo and P3.
This is not a physical product.
Kraken Paint Bottle Topper x10
$7.99 USDKraken Paint Bottle Topper Swatch x10
Fits most standard dropper bottles including Army Painter, Reaper MSP, Vallejo and P3.
High resolution 3D print. This is a physical product.
Die Topper, ob als STL oder physisch gibt es über den folgenden Link zu erwerben: Victoria Paints
Quelle: Victoria Miniatures
Die Topper sind echt auf vielen Ebenen eine super Idee. Richtig klasse.
Also die Topper finde ich auch RICHTIG gut, würde ich mir sofort zulegen!
Kann man die Topper irgendwo kaufen oder sind das nur stl Dateien? Für Leute ohne 3d Drucker dann echt schade.
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