von BK-Bob | 07.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Cyberpunk, Patreon

Unit 9: The Razorbacks Gang

Von Unit 9 gibt es diesen Monat eine Gang die SciFi und die 1920er kombiniert.

U9 The Razorbacks Gang 1 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 2 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 3 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 4 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 5 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 6 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 7 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 8 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 9 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 10 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 11 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 12 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 13 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 14 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 15 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 16 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 17 U9 The Razorbacks Gang 18

Welcome to the Tribe! OPEN POST: October 2024

Hello Supporters!


This month, you get a awesome collection of new cyberpunk models set. Theme of the Month – The Razorbacks gang! Old World Style, New World Tech. Take a look at our latest Cyber Dreams magazine!

The Razorbacks: Cyberpunk’s Blinders of the Future Streets

In the neon-lit underbelly of Sleepless City, a gang has emerged that marries the old-world style of 1920s street gangs with the brutal efficiency of future tech. Calling themselves The Razorbacks, this cyberpunk crew draws inspiration from the infamous Irish mobsters, but with a high-tech twist that makes them a force to be reckoned with in the city’s criminal hierarchy.

Old World Style, New World Tech

Just like their early 20th-century counterparts, The Razorbacks are sharp dressers. They wear tailored suits and flat caps that harken back to the classic days of Birmingham gangs, but with embedded smart fabrics that can shift colors, jam surveillance feeds, or project holographic disguises.

The New Age Mob

While they cling to the aesthetics and ruthlessness of their historical counterparts, the Razorbacks are no mere retro-styled thugs. Their operations are sophisticated, blending old-school intimidation with modern cyber warfare. The Razorbacks embody a fusion of past and future—classic gangland swagger intertwined with the cutting-edge world of cyberpunk. In Sleepless City, where the strong devour the weak, they have carved out a brutal empire built on style, strategy, and sheer savagery.

In a world where everything is augmented, they hold true to their motto: „It’s not about the tech in your bones, but the steel in your soul.”

– October 2024 set:

  • Liam ‘Deadlock’ Murphy pose 01
  • Liam ‘Deadlock’ Murphy pose 02
  • Aidan ‘Ironhand’ O’Neill pose 01
  • Aidan ‘Ironhand’ O’Neill pose 02
  • Conor ‚Red-Ghost’ Lynch pose 01
  • Conor-‚Red-Ghost’-Lynch pose 02
  • Eileen ‘Spike’ Kelly pose 01
  • Eileen ‘Spike’ Kelly pose 02
  • Fiona ‘Spark’ Quinn pose 01
  • Fiona ‘Spark’ Quinn pose 02
  • Ivone Laporte
  • Bart Sanders
  • set of terrains
  • high-quality map in various formats plus

Happy printing


Quelle: Unit 9 bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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