von BK-Nils | 01.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

Total War: Warhammer III – Thrones of Decay Preview

Mit der Erweiterung, Thrones of Decay, für Total War: Warhammer III kommen drei neue mächtige Charaktermodelle, der legendäre Nurgle Champion Tamurkhan, die Zauberin Elspeth von Draken, sowie der Zwergen Slayer und Ingenieur Malakai Makaisson.

Three Legends of the Old World Battle for Supremacy in the New Thrones of Decay DLC for Total War Warhammer III

It’s only been a few months since new reinforcements arrived for Cathay, Kislev, and the forces of Tzeentch in Total War: Warhammer III, but already a huge new expansion has landed on our shores. Thrones of Decay brings the forces of Nurgle down from the north in an all-conquering horde, but the Empire and Dwarfs aren’t going down without a fight.
Games Workshop Three Legends Of The Old World Battle For Supremacy In The New Thrones Of Decay DLC For Total War Warhammer III 1

The crown jewels of this new DLC are a trio of Legendary Lords whose names veteran Warhammer fans will know well.

Tamurkhan, star of the original Throne of Chaos campaign book, is a sentient Nurglite maggot who burrowed its way into the body of a massive Ogre Tyrant, and now invades the world atop his mighty Toad Dragon Bubebolos. Arrayed against his horde of mutated monstrosities is Elspeth von Draken, a powerful Amethyst Wizard who wields the sinister Lore of Death in service to the city of Nuln.

Games Workshop Three Legends Of The Old World Battle For Supremacy In The New Thrones Of Decay DLC For Total War Warhammer III 2 Games Workshop Three Legends Of The Old World Battle For Supremacy In The New Thrones Of Decay DLC For Total War Warhammer III 3 Games Workshop Three Legends Of The Old World Battle For Supremacy In The New Thrones Of Decay DLC For Total War Warhammer III 4

Meanwhile, the infamous Dwarfen Slayer and engineer Malakai Makaisson makes his way north accompanied by his massive Thunderbarge Spirit of Grungni. The long-time compatriot of Gotrek and Felix has a few adventures of his own to embark on, and brings the fruits of Dwarf ingenuity – including the strange but fearsome Goblin Hewer – to bear against the evils of Norsca.

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Each Legendary Lord comes with new units and unique campaign mechanics, but if you’re not sure you want all of them straight away, a new a la carte DLC option lets you pick and choose only the Lords you want – or get the whole bundle for a reduced price.

Better yet, if you get your first faction pack individually on Steam, you’ll get 15% off the remaining two – the same discount as if you bought the whole bundle together. They can all be used in both the Realm of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns too, so you’ll have plenty to do.

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That’s not all coming with the Thrones of Decay update. All players – whether they have the DLC or not – get access to a brand new Legendary Lord: Epidemius, the Tallyman of Nurgle. Empire campaigns will also be able to recruit the enigmatic Gold Wizards for the first time, just in time for Balthasar Gelt’s new campaign start in the mysterious lands of Cathay.

All you need to do to unlock Epidemius on release is to link your CA Account to your platform of choice – then you can start cataloguing all the juicy plagues unleashed in the name of Nurgle. And, you know, unleashing a few of your own.

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Total War Warhammer III – Thrones of Decay is available now on Steam, the Epic Store, and the Windows Store.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Hui, ein neuer Goldzauberer gratis für eine meine Lieblingsfraktionen? Nice! 😁

    Der neue DLC ist mit 25€ natürlich immer noch zu teuer. Aber es klingt nach ner fairen Option, dass man sich nun auch nur 1 Kommandanten rauspicken kann und nur dafür zahlt (wenn man die anderen Kommandanten jetzt nicht will..) Na, mal schaun 😎

    Auf jeden Fall schön, dass TW Warhammer weiter entwickelt wird und noch Updates kriegt (in letzter Zeit ja reichlich!) Sehr löblich. 🤗😃

    • Ja klar, gibt es für Mac sowie Linux. 😉

      Nur weiß ich nicht, wie es bezüglich den tollen Mods aussieht. Das Spiel lebt von der kreativen und tollen Moddingszene.

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